Monday, April 28, 2008

Spring by Marla Galloway

I love spring. I love what it symbolizes. It’s like another beginning, with nature getting a chance to “start over,” if you will. We watch the landscape awaken from its long winter’s sleep, as color appears from the ground; to hear a choir of birds singing, crisp linens flapping in the wind and baseball on the radio; smelling plowed dirt and freshly cut grass, to feel the warmth of the sun beaming down on my SPF 50 sunscreen lathered-up face. The temperatures rise and so do our spirits. We can drive with the top down, step off the treadmill and onto the sidewalk.

I like to think that this time of blossoming beauty is our reward for battling a gloomy, harsh winter. But don’t let these pleasant thoughts cloud your vision; after all, it could be the pollen! Spring also marks the return of allergy season, those pesky insects and rainy days. But it’s the combination of both the rain and sun that truly brings growth.

In this season of blooming and growing, what will you do with this opportunity of “start over?” The Son is shining down on you, now….. bloom and grow!

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