Monday, March 22, 2010

Worship Spotlight 3 22 10 - by Theresa Zuber

What will you and your family do to make this Easter more meaningful? Perhaps watch the movie, “Passion of the Christ”? Each day read through the appropriate passages that depict what transpired during Christ’s final week? Attend the Seder Meal at Scott Avenue on Thursday evening? Take some time to spend in silence on Good Friday, remembering the hours Christ suffered on the cross? Invite your un-churched family to join you on Easter morning as you attend either our 8 am or 10:30 am service?

Jesus Christ overcame death so that we could have hope of living forever with our Father in heaven! Don’t let this Easter come and go in a whirlwind of eggs and bunnies. Worship our Risen Savior for the gift He has give us!!!

The Triumphal Entry – Mark 11:1-11
Clearing of the Temple – Mark 11:15-19
Plot to Kill Jesus/Judas – Mark 14:1-11
The Last Supper – Mark 14:12-16
Jesus Washes Disciples’ Feet – John 13:1-17
He Predicts Peter’s Denial – Luke 11:31-34
Jesus Prayer for All Believers – John 17:1-26
Garden of Gethsemane/Betrayal/Arrest – Matt 26:36-56
Peter’s denial’s – Luke 22:54-62
Jesus Sentenced to Death – Matt 27:15-26
Crucifixion – Luke 23:26-49
Burial/Guard – Matt 27:57-66
Resurrection – Luke 24:1-12

Seder Meal – Reminder: April 1st at 6:30 will be our Seder Meal. This service will give you an in depth appreciation of the symbolism of Jesus as the true sacrificial lamb. Come join us as we explore the Jewish Passover traditions and focus on the way it ties into our Christian celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

Please note: Although this is called a Seder Meal, it is symbolic in nature and not intended to replace your evening meal.

Worship Spotlight: Christian Seder Meal by Theresa Zuber

The Scott Avenue Worship Ministry is preparing a Seder service for Thursday evening, April 1st at 6:30pm. The Seder meal is a Jewish tradition that not only ties in the Passover Feast from the Old Testament that celebrates and remembers God’s liberation of Israel from Egypt but it also foreshadow’s Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. This service will show the parallels between the Passover in the Old Testament and the work of Jesus Christ as the perfect Passover lamb in the New Testament. We often forget that our Christian faith has Jewish roots. This gives insights into the symbolism in the Lord's Supper and the Last Supper Jesus shared with his disciples. Our hope is that this will make communion even more meaningful to each person that participates.

The Seder service is "family friendly" as Jewish traditional Passover Feasts are celebrated as a family. Ex. 12:26And when your children ask you, 'What does this ceremony mean to you?' 27 then tell them, 'It is the Passover sacrifice to the LORD, who passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt and spared our homes when he struck down the Egyptians.' " We hope you will join us as we experience this evening together.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Please Pass the Sugar by Dena Wilkinson

While growing up in Illinois in the late 60's, 70's and early 80's, my siblings and I ate pretty simplistic breakfasts each morning. Mom didn't get up and fix bacon and eggs, or pancakes and waffles except once in a while on a Saturday. Unfortunately, we were cereal people—Corn Flakes, Kix, Shredded Wheat (a perfect cereal for low-key people, but definitely not for me), and other fairly bland brands. In order to mask the taste, I would add a teaspoon or more of sugar to the top before pouring on the milk. But there was really no way to help Shredded Wheat.

As the years went by, medical professionals started sticking their noses where they didn't belong and told gullible parents that the excessive use of sugar was bad for our health. So, our parents, ever diligent in raising healthy kids, encouraged us—or rather, told us—to cut back. Life, I mean cereal, just wasn't the same.

I've found that our attitude of sin is like that unsweetened cereal. We tempt the sinful taste buds by taking the harsh taste of guilt out of it by sugar-coating it; we make it palatable. We have become so lax in what God desires of us that we have fooled ourselves into thinking that our sins are not really sins at all, but rather an acceptable form of behavior in a world reeling from immorality and Godlessness. We even make sin more enticing to our children by what we allow them to watch on television, or by the music they are allowed to listen to in their rooms or elsewhere. Many Christians are duped into believing that what they view on TV does not affect them or their children. They will watch an R-rated movie because it was "based on an actual event and was quite informative." That concept is the very idea of sweetening the acceptance of sin into a more desirable taste.

We are in the middle of a vicious war and we can't have our own soldiers going over enemy lines to see what is turning on our adversary. We ought to know by now. We should be filling our hearts and minds with God's word and then living it out to the fullest. That's why I find it so exciting to hear of all those in our community who are feeding on the sweetness of God's Word by reading through the Bible this year either chronologically or in book order. That is the only way to satisfy your cravings long term—by the Living Word!!

Commitments by Joyce Schafer

Jim and I recently celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary . My marriage commitment ranks second only to my commitment to God. They go hand in hand in a lot of ways. When I became a Christian I vowed to put God’s commandments first in my life and when I got married I vowed to put my marriage vows first.
Love comes first in both relationships and when you truly love someone you put their wants and their needs first. This has not always been easy. Over the years, I have struggled with differences in my wants over my husband’s needs. Looking back at some of the silly things we disagreed on when we were first married, I just shake my head. Can you believe we once fought over how to cut toast? Of course, what you are fighting about is usually not the issue at all and in this case it was just two people trying to find a way to take two separate lives and blend them into one working unit. COMPROMISE! Over the years we have learned to do that a lot. Over time and a lot of really hard situations, you realize a lot of stuff is just not worth fighting about. We know each other well enough to know when to give each other space and when to give each other an ear and offer an opinion. If he has worked a 14 hour day and is exhausted I know to just feed him and let him hit the recliner unless he wants to talk. Likewise, if I am sick he knows to just leave me alone and not ask me every 30 minutes how I am feeling but he can usually tell before I can that I am getting sick while I am still in denial.
With God there is no compromising; His word is Law. I struggle with this because it is very hard to put myself completely in His hands. I am selfish in that I want to control my life instead of letting God control it. The only way to be able to give my control issue to God is to pray and read the Bible every day. I also have some great Christian friends to help me with my struggle.
As I get older and more mature both in my married life and my Christian life I have become more content. I have complete faith in God and in my husband. I know I still will have moments when I will mess up and struggle but I know I can confess and ask for forgiveness and it will be given.
This is one of my favorite verses in the Bible and I would like to share it with you. It sums up what it means to be a good Christian and a good spouse. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongdoing. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

Monday, March 8, 2010

How Sweet the Sound by Vaneta Andrews

At the dentist … Are you kidding me?

I’ve never really been too nervous about going to the dentist. However after one painful visit I became apprehensive. At my next visit I decided to pray before going in. I also quote scripture and sing (to myself of course) worship and praise songs while in the chair. I don’t pick the scripture or songs. I just let the Spirit work.

My last visit had an ironic twist. The song the Spirit gave me … Amazing Grace how sweet the sound and that’s where it stopped. I just kept repeating that line over and over. I’m surprised Dr. Dill couldn’t hear me laughing it was just so comical. I mean, come on, we all know it is not a sweet sound at the dentist. But God once again provided just what I needed at the time, as He always does.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

“…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20b

So yes, I guess the dentist can have a sweet sound if God is with you! So take Him with you every where you go you never know when you just might need Him!

Heaven to Me by Dena Wilkinson

Heaven to me is the true land of the free,
With no tears, sadness or pain.
My eyes will see Glory as I hear the old story,
And hear them announce my full name.
I'll look over yonder with awe and with wonder
At the faces of names in the Book;
With the angels I'll praise the Ancient of Days,
And experience joy with each look.
My lips won't quit singing as I hear joy bells ringing
As the Creator is seated on high;
Because heaven to me is the true land of the free
Where I plan to go when I die.

Eternal Impressions by Tana LeMay

The email arrived in my in-box Monday as I was closing up shop. It had been a tough day. One of our co-workers had lost her mother unexpectedly over the weekend and our hearts were grieved for her. The subject line of this email indicated more bad news. I was tempted to leave it for tomorrow, but couldn’t. Upon reading it, I learned that one of our department’s leaders was leaving the company. Brooke had accepted an executive position elsewhere. I have to admit my immediate reaction wasn’t one of happiness for her, but rather sadness for me and my co-workers. Brooke is one of those exceptional people who truly lives to help others. Her goal is to ensure those she works with are successful in reaching their goals. That attitude wasn’t only served at Yellowbook, but also in the community as she works with several non-profit organizations.

Over the next several days, everyone I spoke with mentioned Brooke’s leaving. All expressed how much she would be missed. I spoke with Brooke the day before she left. She said she was overwhelmed, almost uncomfortable, with how everyone shared their opinion of her to her. She had no idea she had left such a positive impression on everyone.

I think most of us are aware of how we impact those we are close to; those we live with and those we share most of our life with. This experience has me thinking about the impact I make on those who aren’t part of my daily life. What impression do I leave with those whose path I cross occasionally or even rarely? My attitude tells a lot about my internal soul. If I am continually bitter, I leave an impression of someone who is unhappy, living a life without joy. If I am constantly angry or hateful, I represent someone who isn’t full of goodness or gentleness. When dealing with someone who is difficult, I need to remember there may be a reason for her negative behavior. She might have received bad news from a doctor, or been told by her husband that he doesn’t love her anymore.

As I go about my day, I need to remember that my attitude does have an impact on those I come in contact with. Dear Heavenly Father, help me to be your ambassador as I go throughout my day. I pray that my words and attitude are honoring to you and uplifting to those I meet today. Help me to leave them with a smile on their face and joy in their heart. Amen.

31So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— 33even as I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.
1 Corinthians 10:31-33

Heaven is the Place where Questions & Answers become One by Joyce Schafer

Why is the sky blue? Why is the grass green? Why? Why? Why? We have all known children who spend the whole day asking questions. Sometimes I am like that little child when it comes to asking questions of God. Why do young kids get cancer? Why do hard working people lose their jobs? Why do young mothers die? Why do bad things happen to good people? Shouldn't bad things happen to bad people and good things happen to good people? Why? Why? Why? Why?

I know God is in control in all things but sometimes it is so hard to see how something bad can be a good thing. I can only trust that God sees the whole picture while from my viewpoint things are on the foggy side. I love the thought that in heaven questions and answers become one and everything will become perfectly clear because everything will be perfect.

2 Corinthians 4:17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

Seasons of Life by Donna (Ensign) Woods

I live this life of mine,
One season at a time.

In Spring, when all is fresh and new,
There is so much to see and do....
....But, I am only passing through.

Spring time...When God prepares the heart,
With a furtile, rich, new start.

....The Summer of life heats up,
Work and family make a very full cup !!

With each long day, and very short night
The goal is often hidden from sight.

With loving care, God plants each seed,
....As He sees all future need....

The Summer does not last,
This too is gone so fast !

In the gentle Fall breeze,
I can hear God whisper through the trees.

Blessed with peace and quiet time,
To reflect upon this life of mine.

As seasons begin to relax and slow
...This too shall pass....I know.

Winter, the final season of living
Remeniscing about receiving and giving.

Memories gather 'round....
Like snowflakes falling, without sound....

God has prepared me for...
What awaits behind Heaven's door.

As the seasons come and go....
Whether short or long, I always know...

The beauty of my eternal place....
Streets of gold....And my Savior's face !!!!!!

Worship Spotlight 2 22 10 by Theresa Zuber

Are these words you would use to describe your desire/worship of your heavenly Father? If they are not, pray to Him today to put this desire in your heart. He wants to be your EVERYTHING!!! Allow Him to be!

Isaiah 26: 9” My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you.”

Psalm 63: 1 “O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you,
in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
2 I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory.
3 Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.
4 I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.
5 My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods;
with singing lips my mouth will praise you.”

He will listen to your prayers as he promised in Jeremiah 29: 12 “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

I Am by Donna (Ensign) Woods

I am but a ripple in the ever flowing streams
Of plans and hopes and dreams.

A broken seashell on miles of beach
...Where waves caress and reach.

I am a single leaf in the forest green
...Blending in ......barely seen.

A tiny blade of grass,
Not the first, or the last.

On forever rolling hills
Of laughter, trials and thrills....

A tiny snowflake in a blizzard deep....
A single teardrop, the hurting weep....

I am a single heart beat...
Among the multitudes I meet.

...A tiny spec of dust...
Created to worship and trust.

...A teardrop from Heaven's fountain....
...A single wild flower on a mountain...

I am....but a grain of sand
Without faith...I cannot stand.


Feel like a Fruit Cake instead of a Fruit Bearer? by Rachel Pitcher

It's hard to find good fruit in the supermarket this time of year. Making it even harder yet is the fact that farmers in Florida are experiencing record cold weather that has damaged their crops. Has this been a record-cold year for you? Is your life reflective of a tree bearing fruit or has the cold-snap stunted your growth and left you wondering how long it's repercussions are going to last? People often talk about the seasons of life and say things like "This too shall pass." There may be some truth and even benefit to that. However, as christians, we are called to bear fruit regardless of the circumstances and situations we are going through. Like all good gardeners know, effective pruning makes the plant produce more and not less fruit.

As I studied John 15:1-2, 4 during a journaling retreat four years ago, I reflected on what God had to say to me about bearing fruit. I sensed that although my life might not openly show "bad fruit" to others, it wasn't really showing all that much "good fruit" either. I wasn't bearing much of anything outwardly and inwardly I wasn't growing either. Unfruitful branches can be thought of as those who confess Christ but never bear fruit. They begin in Him but don't genuinely remain in Him and are in danger of being cut away. Even the fruitful branches, those who truly remain in Christ will be pruned in order to bear MORE fruit for His glory. Who would want an apple tree that only bore beautiful apples for one season and then gave perhaps one or two apples from then on. I don't want my life to reflect growth that looked promising in the beginning or at one time but has now gone dormant. Remembering that there are seasons of life that are harder than others, we continue to hold on to the promises that our God , our gardener, can make MUCH with the little we have to offer. Our job is to stay focused on the SON, the Giver of Life, and offer our fruit up to Him.

I also studied James 1:2-4 which showed me that pruning is painful but profitable. Like the pains of childbirth that result in the jubilation of seeing your newborn for the first time, trials are occasions for joy. As with labor, it's hard to convince yourself that the pain your going through is a "good thing" or that you'll even survive it. For some it's short-lived, for others it goes on for more than several hours. Yet, at the end, a precious creation from God is revealed. Trials in daily life test our faith and develop in us perseverance and maturity; qualities that will only benefit us. In the midst of them, we aren't sure there's an end or that we can make it. However, we can endure hardships, hanging on to the promise that we are going somewhere through this. It's not aimless or even endless. It's for a reason, for our good, and profitable not only for us but for others as well.

Dear Lord, I often feel like a "fruitcake" instead of a "fruit-bearer". Help me to yield to your pruning and see it for what it is, not punishment but an opportunity to grow and bear fruit for Your glory. You are the Tree of Life and I thank you for shading me with Your love.

Love by Martha Allison

Love has been weighing heavily on my mind as of late. The Bible tells us God's love is unfailing, faithful and eternal. From the love chapter, Corinthians 13, we are told that unless we love others, having the ability to speak all the languages in the world is meaningless and we are like a noisy gong. We could have awsome spiritual gifts like prophecy, understanding God's plans and possessing all knowledge and having faith that would move mountains. We could give all we have to the poor and sacrifice ourselves for Christ, but if we do not love others we have gained nothing. The Bible tells us that true love is patient, kind and not jealous or proud. True love does not demand its own way. It is not irritable and keeps no record of being wronged. True love rejoices when truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance. Love will last forever.

What exactly does all that mean for us? For me? First and foremost our love for our Savior must take precedence over all others including our family and friends. It is because of our love of God that we are able to love others, including our enemies. Contrary to what the world says, the love the Bible talks about is not all about me. It is not only about others whom I can easily love, but also those whom I have difficulty loving.

Am I really supposed to love those in Al Quida who would wish to hurt, even kill us? Am I supposed to love those on drugs, those who spew obscenities and perversion, those who would abuse others physically and verbally, those who are different that us because they are dirty, lack social skills or speak crudely? Does that sound impossible? For us alone it certainly is, but remember, with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26).

We must reach out to others to share the good news of Jesus Christ. It is important to realize that we must first demonstrate God's love or our words will not be heard. We must get out of our comfort zone and meet and develop a relationship with those who do not know our Lord and Savior. God will give us opportunities to do just that. Will those we meet want to know more about our God of love? I pray that God's love will shine through us and others will want to know Him.

Today is the Day by Donna (Ensign) Woods

Today is the day...
A moment in time we stay.
We cannot return to days gone by,
Or erase tears we once did cry.
We cannot retrace the path,
Or change the choices of our past.
Today is the day...
A moment in time we stay.
We cannot fast-forward to tomorrow
So to avoid heartache and sorrow.
We cannot leap ahead...
We must LIVE today instead.
Today holds the key,
For the tomorrows we may see.
Remember and learn from the past,
So you will know joy ....forever to last.
...Long for distant shore,
As you unlock tomorrow's door
But LIVE today...
Allowing God to lead the way
Embrace the moments of THIS day...
For only a will stay.

God Has Encouraged Me in Bleak Times by Lori Smith

A couple of months ago my Mom, sister, and I traveled to Springfield to hear Beth Moore speak. Now I have a habit of “building things up” in my mind and when things don’t go exactly to my plan, I tend to get disappointed. Well, we were running extremely late, so supper was not only McDonalds, but McDonalds in the car, which was not exactly what I had planned. After inhaling the greasy food in the car, we finally arrived in Springfield and we were frantically looking for the parking garage. My Mom bypassed the entrance twice, and if you know downtown Springfield, you can’t just go around the block you have to go around two blocks because of all the one-way streets. Well, the third time was not a charm, because by the third time around the parking garage was full. We ended up parking seven blocks away and walking.

We finally arrived at the Convention Center, and it was hot and crowded and we desperately needed to use the restroom. Well, there were 8,800 women there, so you can imagine how well that went. We finally found three seats together in the “nose bleed” section and sat down only to have the praise band announce, “On your feet people!”

Having grown up Catholic with only an organ playing and my hymnal to hide behind, this style of music was still new to me and a little overwhelming. I knew Beth would start preaching soon and with tears welling up in my eyes I was beginning to think that I didn’t belong there. I was the only one out of the three of us that brought a Bible, yet I didn’t feel comfortable with it at all. I tried giving it to my sister because I was afraid that when Beth prompted us to turn to a certain book, I would be fumbling through it, not knowing how to get there. See, I had only recently started reading the Bible, starting in Matthew, and I hadn’t even gotten through it yet. Much to my surprise, Beth said, “Let’s turn to Matthew.” At that very moment,I knew God was speaking to me, saying “You belong here.”

Beth preached all weekend in Matthew. Coincidence? I don’t think so. I think it was God’s reassurance that I’m on the right path and to continue what I’m doing. I’ve come to learn that God in sneaky like that, giving us that extra little nudge when we least expect it, but when we need it the most.

God Doesn't Get Weary by Joyce Schafer

I am so glad God does not get weary of mankind because if he did I would be in deep trouble. He would be in heaven saying "Oh, here she goes again gossiping, spending money on shoes she really doesn't need, worrying about her family, friends, coworkers and even people she doesn't know. Why can't she just get it right and quit making the same mistakes over and over again? As for the worrying, doesn't she know yet that I will take care of everything and the only thing the worrying does is put another grey hair in her head? Oh, great, now she is worrying about the grey in her hair. What else can I do? I am just so tired of telling her the same thing over and over again?"
Thank you, God, for being you and knowing the struggle I face everyday and that I will never get it completely right on this earth but that you love me anyway.

A New Year by Joyce Schafer

As I start this New Year I have a lot of the same hopes and dreams I have had in the past. I want peace in my family, in my country and in the world. I want to eat healthier and exercise more. I want to work hard and play harder. I want to spend more time with my family and friends. I want to celebrate more and complain less. I want to stop making so many lists and start living more in the moment. I want to be a person who is respected and loved. I want to be less concerned about my outside appearance and more concerned about what is on the inside. I want to give more and not expect anything in return. I want to stand up for my beliefs and not worry what anyone thinks. Above all I want to be the person God wants me to be........

Do I Have all the Ingredients for a Fulfilled life? by Vaneta Andrews

Of course I have all the ingredients – God wouldn’t have made me (or you) any other way! The ingredients are all within my reach as well as the necessary “utensils”. My problem is that I don’t always take advantage of the recipe book that explicitly tells me how to “make” a fulfilled life! Everything I need is right there waiting for me – I just need to read and apply! I also need to take the time to try new “recipes”.

Better than a Cookie by Susan Shull

I love to read. I even experience a “panic-y” feeling if I have time-even a few minutes-without a book or magazine to enjoy. I really think a book is my security blanket!

When a new book is published by one of my favorite authors, I often buy it, knowing I will probably read it more than once. To me, it is a sign of a good book and a good writer if I want to read it again, enjoying it on a different level the second time or returning to a nice imaginary world and the people who live there. I am always on the lookout for writers who can create those places for me.

Then we have the Bible. I am so excited by the many adults and children who are reading through the Bible this year. What a treat is in store for us! If you have read the Bible more than once, you know that it isn’t like any other book. The Hebrew writer states “The word of God is living and active.” That can’t be said about any other book or words of man.

Every time I open the Holy Scriptures, I see something different, learn something new, or am challenged and convicted in a new way. God can and does speak to my heart through his written word, and when I stop and consider the millions of other Christians who are also reading and studying the Bible, receiving from the Heavenly Father just what they need to hear, I realize anew “what a mighty God we serve.”

Now for my challenge for this year. Not only do I love to read, I also love to eat. Baking and eating fresh-from-the-oven-cowgirl cookies can put me right in my “happy place”. I long for the day when I crave Jesus, the bread of life, and his holy word just as much.

Worship Spotlight 2 8 10

Valentine’s Day is upon us: “The holiday of love.” Of course, we’ve been told we must celebrate it with flowers, chocolates, message candy hearts and the ever-perfect Hallmark card! But as Christians, we know that love is so much more than all this. John 13:34 "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."

The Song of Solomon in the Old Testament is a beautiful love song that gives us an example of God’s plan for marriage. It’s referred to as one of the “Poetry” books of the Bible.

Song of Solomon 8:6-7 6 Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. 7 Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned.

Scripture often refers to the church as the bride of Christ. We are his bride! What a beautiful image. Every marriage takes full commitment from both parties. Christ has shown us that he is fully committed. What about you? Are you fully committed to your relationship with him? Worship Him by loving your perfect bridegroom with all your heart!

I imagine if He gave you a candy heart this Valentine’s Day, it would say, “Be Mine.”

FYI: Wondering about a CD your teenager wants to purchase? Or a movie you’ve seen advertised that you think you’d like to see? Focus on the Family has a review site that gives you the information you need to know beforehand to make your choice. It covers movies, CD’s, videos, TV, even games. Check it out!! Keep your mind and heart pure for Him!

Worship Spotlight 1 11 10

Take a deep breath and ponder on the beauty of
an individual snowflake;
a crisp winter morning when the trees are hanging low with snow;
the detailed design of a frosted window pane;
the pink in the cheeks of a child playing in the cold.
God’s beauty is found everywhere. Don’t overlook His glory as He gives us glimpses of His majesty, His intricacy, His creativity, His care and His love. Today, spend some quiet moments worshiping Him in the silence of an icy winter day.

Psalm 96 6 Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and glory are in his sanctuary. 7 Ascribe to the LORD, O families of nations, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. 8 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering and come into his courts. 9 Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness; tremble before him, all the earth.