Sunday, January 22, 2012

written by Donna (Ensign) Woods

James 1: 6
"But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt,
because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea,
blown and tossed by the wind."

Tossed about on a deadly sea.
Waves threaten to devour me.
Luring, pull of the powerful deep
My soul it longs to steal and keep.
Waves crashing with deadly force
Confused and frightened----I'm off course.
The ocean's deafening pulse beats
As it lurches, grabs and retreats
Grabbing, pulling, consuming me
With no desire to set me free.
Waves scream in devilish delight
As it swells and crashes, it blocks my sight.
Salt sprays hiss and sting
....As demons of the deep squeal and sing.
Covered with this world's mossy slime
I stand accused of sinful crime.
On slippery rocks, I cannot stand
I cry out for the Father's hand
As I'm being grabbed and swept away
With faith-filled hope....I pray.
"PEACE, BE STILL"...I hear Him call
As demonic waves retreat and fall.
He's saved me, once again
From the crashing waves of sin.
He scoops me up in loving arm
Rescues from waves of harm.
He places me on peaceful sand
Holding I can stand.
Reminding me of my place.....

written by Donna (Ensign) Woods

(Matthew 6:21)
("For where your treasure is
there your heart will be also.")
Where is my heart's treasure ?
What truly gives me joyous pleasure ?
I have 5 children, I treasure and love
and 8 grandchildren, blessed from above.
I treasure beautiful places
And the love found on precious faces.
Blessings I ponder when I sit alone
In the peaceful silence of my home.
A scrapbook of memories I treasure
Of people, places and things of pleasure.
I greatly value being mother and wife
....But true lasting treasure is not of this life
The greatest treasure I've known....
The love and sacrifice Christ has shown.
I treasure God's mercy and grace
And the love as I seek His face.
I treasure the blood He freely gave
Just so my soul...He could save
I treasure His words written in red
And every truth and promise He said.
I treasure His wisdom, strength and hope
As He gives me courage to live and cope.
Humbly I fall at the foot of the cross
I treasure being found.....and no longer lost.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

written by Jerry Woods

Matthew 6:21


What be a treasure ??
Pirates plundered for it
Kings demanded it
Peasants dreamed of it
Criminals stole for it
Men all seek it.....
Be it wealth or fame.
Your heart will always be true to the
greatest we have to gain
An eternal life for all to attain
So as you dream and search
listen to the heart which will always proclaim
O dear soul, why experience pain
when treasure of earthly gain
holds not an ounce of weight in Heaven's
measure of life's wealth or fame.
Put your heart in control
and your mind at rest
for all who know Jesus can attest...
I have the treasure of a soul at rest.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

written by Donna (Ensign) Woods
("And we know that all things work together for good
to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.")
Romans 8:28

All things work together for good.
Don't let the trials of life be misunderstood.

A baby dies while still in the womb
Or a young child dies much too soon.
Empty arms and a Mama cries
As hope for tomorrow dies.
.....but, that child is nestled in angel wings
Cradled and rocked as Heaven sings.....
If they had lived and walked and breathed
In God they may have never believed....
Choices may have led them away
To eternal Hell on judgment day
.....Perhaps God saved taking them away
So forever with Him, they would stay.

Cancer attacks young and old, rich and poor.
It randomly enters many a door.
In fear and disbelief, we tremble and cry
We cling to God....and ask, "Why?"
....."We cling to God"....that's the key
Using even cancer to bless you and me.
When suffering is ushered in....
So too is joy from Him.

A child lays in a hospital bed
And a father falls to his knees...and bows his head.
In desperation, a Daddy will go
To a God he's never taken time to know.
His very first trip to the cross
And he is lead and not lost.
A child's illness has blessed and saved him
.....Now all in Christ will win.

A flat tire on the interstate
Nerves on edge because you're running late.
....But perhaps...God is using this delay
To keep you out of harm's way.
Tho many trials we don't understand
God is orchestrating and perfectly planned.
There's a "Heavenly reason", we can be assured
For every delay, hardship or illness endured.

Doors close on hopes and dreams
......Not always the tragedy it seems
God has a greater joy in store
If you'll just walk throguh a new door.
....For which He has given you the key
You'll be blessed....It's His guarantee.
Feel His nudge and move along
To write new chapters and sing His song.

We are often used by the Potter's hand
For His purpose....glorious and grand.
Life is not always fair
But Christ promised, our burdens to bear
....So "All things work together for good"
According to God's plan, just as they should.

written by Donna (Ensign) Woods

Search me, test me, know me
So that I may be blessed and free.
Calm my fears
And dry my anxious tears.
Shield me from Satan's attack
Guide my feet----keep me on track
Search me God and know my heart
With each new day I start
Make Your ways, my ways
Through all my earthly days.
Guard my tongue from bitter sin
Replacing sin with praise again.
Bless the work of my hands
According to Your awesome plans
Search me, test me, know me
So that I may be blessed and free.

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Good News by Joyce Schafer

Luke 2:10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.

You got the job. 
I am getting married.  
It is a girl.  
The biopsy showed no cancer. 
 It is a boy.  
She came through the surgery fine.

I love getting good news. It makes me feel positively “gitty”.  So I can only imagine how these shepherds felt when they received THE good news.  I am sure they were afraid even though the angel told them not to be.  Then to realize that they were chosen to hear this good news from an angel sent directly from God, their reaction had to go way beyond “gitty” to feeling completely blessed.  It also was probably a humbling experience for them.  I know if an angel came to me directly from God, I would feel unworthy but I also hope that I would overcome this feeling and appreciate the great honor being given to me. 

But, wait, I think I am given this great honor.  When I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior this was the Best News I could have been given.  I was given eternal life and I was given someone to help me through all the struggles here on this earth. 

Even though I was not one of the shepherds the angel visited on that first Christmas.  I am the Christian that Jesus visits every day of my life and that is truly The Good News.

ISAIAH 40:31 by Tabatha Ludington

Well it's that time of year and I've finally been hit by the bug we all know and love called the common cold. My head is pounding and I don't seem to have the energy to do anything, and yet I still manage somehow. As a mom, I'm not allowed to put life on hold everytime I feel bad. It is days like these that I am thankful for my faith and for friends.....
specifically my Lord Jesus. My walk with Him seems so new even though He has been with me forever.

Isaiah 40:31 reminds me that when I am weak I can call on the Lord and He will give me strength. I may not feel like soaring or running right now but I can walk and not be faint...I can still hug my kids and hear their troubles....I can still cook for them and share with others....I can still read His word and know He is with me in all of it. Every day and in every way He is our hope and our strength and all we can do daily is say thanks and return His love the best we can.

Wait by Donna (Ensign) Woods

"but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31

Hurry up !!!.....and wait.
A moment to hesitate.
To wait upon the Lord...
Where all my strength is stored.
Not one step shall I take,
Nor one decision make.
Upon the Lord....I shall wait.
His direction, I anticipate.
To God alone the future in known
Therefore, I shall not go alone.
On eagles wings high above
.....Lifted up with God's love
Upon the Lord, I shall wait
                                                                 And with Him....I celebrate.


TIME AFTER TIME.....FEAR NOT Donna (Ensign) Woods

LUKE 2:10

Time after time......I've prayed.
Each time the Lord says,"Be not afraid"
Doubts in my eyes have shown
My haunting fear of the unknown....
When I stand and tremble in fear
My Father God draws near.
As I curl up at His feet
He whispers, soft and sweet:
"I've listened each time you prayed
I've come, so you needn't be afraid."
In the dark valley of burden and care
He whispers,"I'll walk with you there"
"Be not afraid of the future planned
I'll give you strength to stand."
"If you crumple as pain draws near,
Remember....I know each tear."
"When firey trials are glaring hot
Peace, be still, and fear not."
"As mountains loom before you....
My courage will help you through."
"So peaceful sleep
As I will guard and keep."
"I'll hold you close....both day and night.
Remember.....your battles....are Mine to fight !!!"

THE SHINING by Glen Rosborough

A star arose over the place where Jesus lay
A great light accompanied the angels when they announced Jesus' birth.
Jesus said,"I am the Light of the world."
The Light of Jesus shined into a dark world.
As Moses' face revealed the Light of God
So our faces will reflect the Light of the world.
And everything about us will be out in the open.
Nothing will be hidden as we display the radiance of God in our living.
And people will be drawn to the Savior because we are reflecting His Light.
The world tells us there is no glory in living for Jesus.
The Bible tells us the only glory we need is what we give to God.
When we glorify God our lives become glorious.
Thanks be to God who reveals everything we need for salvation
                                             And thus we become Children of Light.