Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Fog by Donna Ensign Woods

In the midst of fog---so eerie and dense
I desperately cling to the fence.
Afraid to risk letting go
Stepping into a future, I do not know.
Imagination plays endless trick....
Mind tortured by fog so thick.
Clutching the fence....familiar and sure
Fearful of dangers I might endure.
Beyond the fog, I hear a voice call
"Trust Me, I won't let you fall"
Frantic, I search the fog for Him
Through my eyes cloudy and dim.
I struggle desperately to see
From where the voice calls to me.
Uncertain if I can stand
.....Should I reach out to take His hand ?
Is the danger lurking where I cannot see ?
...Or is it really closing in on me ??
In reality is my fence a dangerous ledge ?
Am I slipping from a jagged edge ?
...Or am I consumed in a cavern deep
Beneath mountains narrow and steep....
Do I stay?....Or do I go ??
.....Safety of this fence is all I know
The fog so painfully dense...I cannot see !!!
But I feel the Lord is nudging me.
Do I let go and take His hand....
Forever trusting what he has planned ?
He promised I have nothing to fear
....How I wish the fog would lift and clear.
It grows thicker the longer I wait
Why Oh why....do I hesitate ??
To a worthless fence I cling
Instead of trusting my Savior King !
Cowering in the fog....clinging to the fence
....It simply makes no sense !
The moment I trust and let go....
Glorious blessings I will know
Each day......a step of faith
Do I cling to the fence ?
                 ....or leave this place ?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Disney World and Heaven by Joyce Schafer

I recently had the privilege of experiencing Disney World through the eyes of a child-not just any child but two of my granddaughters.  I saw the way their eyes sparkled when seeing the beauty of the light parade and the smiles that life- size Mickey and Minnie brought to their faces.    It made me think that this is how I will feel when I first see heaven.    Instead of cobbled streets  there will be streets paved with gold and instead of pretend characters and electric lights, we will get to see the real thing in God and Jesus and the Light that will be shining will take our breath away.  It will truly be a magical time.  Disney World might be advertised as the happiest place on earth but I guarantee you that compared to Heaven it will be a pale comparison.

Jesus reprimanded his disciples when they tried to turn the children away because he knew that little children see things so much clearer than adults.  Adults tend to spend their time doing what is expected of them while a small child actually experiences life more honestly.  If they are hungry they eat, if they are sad they cry, if they are happy they radiate joy,  and they are so capable of giving unconditional love.  I am sure this is why Jesus said we need to become like a little child in order to enter the gates of heaven.   Just as a little child is totally dependent on their mothers and fathers for everything, we need to be totally dependent on our heavenly father to satisfy all of our needs.  As adults it is so hard to give up control but it is so necessary to achieve Peace and to realize our ultimate goal-HEAVEN.

Mark 10:15  I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Use It or Lose It by Tana Lemay

Why do we always want what we don’t have?  Some of us may wish we looked different – taller, shorter, curly hair or straight, blue eyes instead of brown.  We dream of bigger homes, immaculate lawns overflowing with lush plantings, sleek shiny cars, or exotic vacations.  Then there are the God-given gifts – longing for the ability to sing beautifully, to teach wisely, to provide hospitality effortlessly, or to give generously.  Why do we spend so much time, effort and energy pursuing the impossible, and as a result, bypassing the possible?
We can find the answer in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3).  Adam and Eve had everything they needed in abundance.  And yet, when Satan pointed out the forbidden to Eve, doubts arose in her about God’s goodness and she longed for the one thing He denied her.  In her longing, she cast aside all she knew about God’s generosity and provision and reached for the forbidden, seeing only its external beauty which hid the evil within.
And so today, we find ourselves doing the same as Eve, forgetting our many blessings and gifts in pursuit of things that won’t satisfy, but only increase our longing.  In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus shares the parable of the talents.  In this parable He explains that we are to use our talents effectively and in doing so will receive an increase of what He has given us.  Our ability to use our talents will grow as we use them in service to Him.  Likewise, if we don’t use them, they will be removed from us. 
Do you know what your talents are?  Are you using them in service to Him? If you don’t know, ask someone-family, friends, your minister or teacher.  Pray for guidance.  Then step out in faith and do what God has asked of you. 
 6 In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. 7 If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. 8 If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.
Romans 12:6-8 (NLT)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rest by Julie Short

Do we even know what “to rest” means anymore?
Always Thinking
I should have………
What if?
And "why's" sprinkled through Like chocolate chips melting and solidifying our despair.  If I had only been better, things would have turned out differently.
We might as well take a seat grab a glass of cold milk and eat the cookie.
Then with God’s wonderful mercy and grace, blowing like a fresh spring breeze, we can rest in His words, His Promises.
Matthew 11:28

Monday, May 16, 2011

I Turn the Page by Susan Shull

In just a few days, I will turn in my keys and walk out of Jasper County Junior High, never to return as a full-time teacher. I have loved being around kids for the last 20+ years, and, of course, like most educators, I think the subject I taught is the most important one. However, I have felt compelled the last couple of years to put down my library books and do something else. I have to admit though that it is a little scary.
                I really want to follow God’s plan for my life, so that played a huge part in my decision to retire early.  However, there have been some really unusual occurrences during the last two years that had me waffling between retiring or staying on. First, our economy took a free fall, then earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear disasters, and now what seems like rain for 40 days and 40 nights. All of these horrible events had me quite worried about the financial state of our world. Then I realized that surely God wouldn’t go to those lengths to tell me to keep teaching 8th graders another year. Even I’m not that egotistical! Everything that happens across the globe isn’t about me.
                So, I am trusting that God has a plan for me and have submitted my resignation. I’m packing up my room and will soon say good-bye to my 8 hour a day job. I’m trusting God to show me what He wants me to do next, and I pray that I’m wise enough to listen.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

God, Spiders, and Hippopotamus by Joyce Schafer

“Gamma, there’s a spider in my barn” my   little granddaughter tells me and hands me a Kleenex to take care of her problem.  Sure enough there is a spider in the toy barn but you about need a magnifying glass to see it.  She knew regardless of the size of her problem, her grandma would deal with it.  I am reminded that our Lord wants us to bring all our problems to him whether they be the size of a tiny spider or as big as a hippopotamus (a word we love to hear  her  say). ….but do we?  If you are like me,  you have no trouble praying when something major like a serious illness or accident  happens in your family or among your friends.    But do you remember to  pray  when you can’t find  your car keys,   you have a headache,  you have trouble falling asleep   or when you are being pulled in ten  different directions?  God wants to help us  in these situations as well as the major problems of our lives.
 I am a “recovering workaholic” I am trying to slow down,  pray first and then let God help me make the right choices and guide my feet, my hands  and definitely my mouth throughout the day.   Years ago when I was helping my husband farm,  my prayer to God was “Please don’t let me do anything stupid today.”   My prayer today is “When I do something stupid please help me to  laugh about it.”  I figure with all the troubles in the world today we can all use a good laugh---even God.

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Child's Fear by Donna Ensign Woods

I had a very vivid imagination as a child
During the day, I laughed and played....and smiled
But when bedtime came in the dark of night
My heart and mind trembled in fright
Witches and bats lurked behind the attic door
....And under my bed awaited more.
Evil little monsters with claws and fangs
Blood thirsty creatures....awaited in gangs !!
In the dark upstairs and all alone
The wind became a demon's moan....
The brush of branches from a tree
Became demonic beast taunting me.
I often lay facing my dresser mirror....
So I could see my entire room----filled with fear !
In my closet lived a ghost...
I think I feared it the very most.
I imagined it floating around my bed
As I quickly covered my head.
Horrific and long was sleepless night
Heart pounding in my ears of fright
On fearful nights while laying in my bed
A single prayer played in my head
I whispered it over and over till I fell asleep
Because I somehow knew it would protect and keep.
Even as a child, the Lord's Prayer was power
To comfort and protect in my fearfilled hour.
Though wretched demons surrounded me
Threatening to torture and devour me
God sent angels to guard over me
From chains of fear, to set me free.
I knew demons were close, but could not touch
Because Father God loves me much !!!
And now....I've learned the demons are real
Their sulfer breath I smell and feel.
They still taunt and threaten to destroy
Laboring to steal my joy.
But I peacefully sleep all night long
God has replaced my fear with His song.
As angels stand guard around my bed
The Lord's promise plays in my head.
Reminding me there's nothing to fear...
For He Himself stands very near !!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Empty Spaces by Julie Short

Recently, I began to pray for God to pour me out and fill me up with Him.  I catch myself thinking “less of me more you, God.”  I felt good about this, and I kind of puffed up, “Look at me I’m allowing God to pour me out.”  I guess I thought it was like pouring out a glass of water and filling it with fresh cold lemonade. 
I find myself relating to Peter when he told Jesus, “Just don’t wash my feet. Wash all of me.”  Like I am telling God, “Go ahead, pour me out. I’m ready.” 

Well I thought I was ready, that was until the pouring out process began.  My real ugly selfish stuff that I had filled myself up with began to surface. Answered prayer, but as it surfaced I began to see how big it was, how full of selfishness I actually am.  I began to think if God pours me out, there won’t be anything left.  I thought I will crack and smash to the floor like an egg falling from the kitchen counter, hitting the floor and exploding into a mess of goo and goop that needs to be discarded. 

My haughty hopes dashed- maybe this pouring out process wasn’t such a good idea after all.  I shared my dismay with a dear friend and she began to explain her thoughts using (of all things) an egg.  She asked me if I ever blew out an egg at Easter.  I said no, so she explained the process of gently poking two holes in the egg one at the top and one at the bottom.  She then explained how the thick yoke actually comes out the tiny hole.

 Hope again, while God is gently blowing out my selfish gunk he is filling the empty spaces with his love, mercy, grace and the Holy Spirit.  So when my selfishness begins to be emptied out, I won’t crash to the floor, but will be filled with new life, as I read God’s word and pray.

I wonder if that’s what we all fear, the empty spaces, to different degrees.  I feared the empty space of being poured out because I had filled my life with self-doubt, self-pity, with my-self.  I believe there are many things we can fill the empty spaces of our lives up with.  Some fill the emptiness with food, some fill it with stuff, some even to the point of hording, some use drugs and alcohol, some fill the emptiness with being busy, some work, details, perfection.
The only way we are truly able to fill the empty spaces is by allowing God, to fill us up by giving him our ugliness, repenting, being baptized and following Him.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

SCARS written by Donna (Ensign) Woods

As I slowly stirred the soup bubbling on the stove, I noticed Maddy, my 3 1/2 year old
granddaughter. She was very deep in thought....too deep for a small child. I could see the
anxiety on her precious little face,
as she rubbed her hand over the long, rough scar on her tummy......
The scar that is a constant reminder of the huge cancerous tumor that nearly took her
life when she was only 13 months old. She is too young to remember that horrifying
time in her life that was filled with pain and fear....
but she knows that her tummy doesn't look like other kid's tummies.
After a few moments she raised her shirt and looked at the jagged scar.
She then looked up at me and said,"Grandma, is my belly pretty??"
I nearly choked with emotion as I exclaimed,"Maddy, your belly is  BEAUTIFUL !!!"
Her face lit up as a big smile made her blue eyes dance ! Delighted, she ran into the
family room to check on her sleeping baby dolls.
Everything was suddenly perfect and right in her world again.
Tears rolled down my cheeks as I turned my attention back to the bubbling soup.
Maddy's scar IS beautiful !
A beautiful reminder of the miracle that saved her precious little life.
A beautiful reminder of God's awesome mercy.
A beautiful reminder of His answers to our desperate, pleading prayers.
A beautiful reminder to be thankful  every  day.
Jesus has scars too.....beautiful scars !
On His head...to remind us He is our Savior and King.
On His hands... to remind us of His love...
As He spread them wide to show us just how much.
On His feet...to remind us to walk with Him.
In His side...to remind us He is beside us always.
Beautiful scars.
Maddy's scar reminds us of the miracle that saved HER ...
Jesus' scars remind us of the miracle that saved US...
"Yes Maddy, Your belly is beautiful !!"