Monday, April 28, 2008

Ask Marsha Stewmart! by Susan Shull

Dear Marsha,
I would love to practice the gift of hospitality-you know, have people over for nice meals and good conversation and stuff like they do on TV-but my house is a disaster. The sink is piled high with dirty dishes and I can barely see my countertops for all the clutter. I’d be embarrassed to death to have anyone over. What can I do?

Just-a-wreck in Jasper County

Dear Just-a-wreck in Jasper County,
Now honey-get a grip! Your guests are coming to your home to spend time with you and your lovely family-not to inspect your kitchen! Everyone knows it is hard to keep everything spic and span when you have little kids running wild excitedly exploring the world around them! Unload the dishwasher first thing each morning (if you don’t have one, follow Dave Ramsey’s advice and have your husband get a second job delivering pizzas. He’ll earn enough in no time to buy you your family one.) Force yourself to fill it up as you go through the day. Never leave a dish in the sink to begin with. Now, try this trick I learned from my very own mother-in-law. Buy the largest dishpan you can find and put it under your sink. Anytime your dishwasher is full, stack the dirty dishes in the pan under the sink. Viola! Your guests will never know they are drinking from the only clean glasses in the house!

We’ll talk about the rest of that clutter another time!


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