Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Make Me a Blessing by Vaneta Andrews

I have always been an encourager and sending cards has always been my passion!  But somehow I had gotten away from what gave me such joy.  There was a void in my life and I didn't know it!

Then when I moved here I was blessed, like all those around me, to receive birthday cards from Anna Mae Warfel.  One could always count on finding at least one card in the mailbox on that special day and you knew it was going to be signed "Anna Mae".  When she passed away it saddened me for many reasons.  One being that her ministry was dead too.  But then in Mark's funeral sermon he challenged those of us there to carry on Anna Mae's legacy.  I bawled! This was just the nudge I needed.  I knew exactly what I had to do. So that first year after Anna Mae's passing I sent birthday cards in her memory - which totally freaked out some people.  I've been doing my best to carry on Anna Mae's legacy and start my own since then.

You too can be a part of the card ministry.  You can send your own cards for birthdays, anniversaries, get wells or just thinking about you.  Or you can help me in this ministry.  You can donate cards (blank or birthday) or even postage.

Whatever you do I pray you find your spiritual gift (we all have at least one) and that you use it to Glorify God!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Upcoming Harvest by Theresa Zuber

Soon it will be harvest time. Farmers will be comparing notes on how their crops have done this year. What type of seed did they use? What chemicals? What sort of fertilizer? And the most important question – What kind of yield did they receive? You see, although farmers can’t control the weather conditions, they do want to make the best choices for those things they can control. So, year after year, they continue to ask those same questions and do research to try to make the best of a very tough career.

You and I have a very tough assignment. We are to live in this world, but not be of it. We are to make disciples – not just church members – but full grown, mature disciples. So as you make your way through year after year, what tactics are you taking to improve your harvest for His kingdom? Have you found a more effective way to sow the seed? What about the preparation of the ground? What have you found that produces deeper roots and stronger Christians? Do you see an improvement in the harvest you are helping with?

James 2:18 But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds." Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.

Faith is believing in what is unseen – but a byproduct of true faith is action- deeds. This doesn’t mean seeing how many “jobs” you can sign up for in the church. It means putting feet on your faith so that it is not merely words, but a way of life! Hmm. Sounds like another passage:

Romans 12:1-2 1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. 2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Soak up the Son by Theresa Zuber

It’s summer and many people are soaking up the sun and enjoying all the activities that summertime allows. It seems that most products contain some form of SPF to protect you from the harmful rays. However, I heard a report recently that many children are Vitamin D deficient because their parents are so diligent about applying the sunscreen that these children are not getting this precious vitamin that the sun provides. Go figure.

I find it interesting that our English language makes such parallels with our spiritual truths. The sun (Son) is the center of our universe. If the sun (Son) were removed, our life would cease. When the sun (Son) is shining, people’s spirits are happier, uplifted and brighter. Without the sun (Son), growth is stunted and incomplete.

Come into the Son-light! Don’t slather on a protective shield that keeps his presence from penetrating to your very core. You have nothing to fear. And, just like the sun, when you spend time allowing His light to shine on you, people will see a difference when they look at you! But just as a summer tan can fade away once you stop the daily exposure to the sun, so you can lose your “glow” from being with the Lord if other priorities take His place. Soak in His presence daily to receive the spiritual nutrition you need for your life on this earth.

John 3:36 (The Message) “Whoever accepts and trusts the Son gets in on everything, life complete and forever! And that is also why the person who avoids and distrusts the Son is in the dark and doesn't see life. All he experiences of God is darkness, and an angry darkness at that."

Don't Hold Back by Susan Shull

As a teacher of junior high kids, I am surrounded each day by young people searching for their place in the world. They are so full of potential and talent and I feel that part of my job is to encourage each of them to develop the gifts God has given them. Much of that comes from being willing to try new things. Sadly, some of them are already beaten down by past failures and the negativity of others, and they are scared to death to do something out of their comfort zones. Of course, then there is the thing dreaded by all 13-14 year olds-doing anything that might label them as “different.” At this age, the tendency is to be one of the flock- blending in, not standing out.

Wait a minute……that sounds amazingly like most adults I know, including me! However, if I don’t think it is the way for kids to behave, what about the grownups? God has graciously given each of us talents and gifts to use in His kingdom for His glory. Since I want to live a life that is pleasing to Him, why wouldn’t I use what He has given me?

I grew up playing the piano in church. I’m so appreciative that the great people who attend the Hidalgo Independent Christian Church were patient when they sang “Wonderful Words of Life” and “There Will be Showers of Blessings” over and over on Sunday night because those were among the only songs I was comfortable playing!

The piano has been a great source of pleasure and comfort to me over the years, so when I was asked again if I would join the Praise Band, this time I said yes. Believe me, it is a little scary to stand on the stage and play in front of all those people, and it is intimidating to be offering my praise to a Holy God with others watching. But, I have decided it isn’t about me and I’m going to do it even if I do have butterflies in my stomach and slightly shaky knees the whole time!

Can you imagine the blessings that would flow if each of us would step out of our boxes and live our lives 100% for His glory? God has promised a blessing to those who use their talents-they will receive more. Who wouldn’t want that?

Please join me on this journey. We probably weren’t gifted in TV watching, internet surfing, or criticizing others, (all things I am pretty good at) so let’s start today praying that God will show us the special traits we possess and the ways we can use them for Him.

My Favorite Place by Tana LeMay

My porch is my favorite spot. I love to sit out there early in the morning and watch the sun rise. The beauty of God’s creation surrounds me….in the dawning of a new day, sunlight reflected in the tiny drops of the dew topping each blade of grass. I gaze upon the hummingbirds visiting the feeder, while the joyful song of a meadow lark perched in a nearby tree flows around me. I can hear the wind rustling the leaves of the crop planted in the field and imagine I can see them reaching for the warmth of the sun.

My porch is also my favorite place for enjoying the power of a rain storm. The thunder rumbles in the distance, coming closer and closer. Billowing clouds move swiftly near, sometimes ominous in their silent approach. Streaks of lightening strike the ground, lighting up the sky with their amazing energy. A new sound is heard in the distance, quickly approaching. It’s thousands of droplets of water pouring from the sky, bouncing off the leaves of trees and plants and falling to the ground. The wind picks up and I rush for the door, barely making it inside as the wind and rain reach my porch.

Psalm 19:1 (New International Version) 1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Summer Time - Time to Trim the Ivy - by Joyce Schafer

We have an old block garage with ivy growing up one side. While some (including my husband) think of this as an eyesore, I personally think that this ivy adds charm . It was , however, growing out of control, blocking windows and heading toward my automatic garage door. Ok, I like old things but I also like the convenience of not having to get out and open doors. So, I decided it was time to trim the ivy.

As I was clipping away, this ivy reminded me of a human tongue. When kept in check it has the power to say beautiful things but when it gets out of control it can cause extreme problems. The ivy was clinging to every thing that it touched much like gossip can leave behind a trail of destruction. Some of the ivy was trying to bury itself in crevices that could weaken the building. This is much like harsh words spoken to another can become buried in that person causing a weakening in his structure.

I came to realize that just like my ivy, I need to trim the words that flow off of my tongue and to make sure they are a thing of beauty and do not grow ugly and out of control. Words are a powerful tool and they can be used to build others up or tear them down. I pray with God’s help that my words just like my ivy will be kept in check and will be a thing of beauty.

Psalm 34:13 (New International Version) 13 keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.

A Tribute to the Star Spangled Banner by Donna Ensign Woods

(quotes by Francis Scott Key)

Saluting the Red, White and Blue

And what it means to me and you.

“Oh, say can you see…..”

Praying for those who fight to keep us free.

“By the dawn’s early light”

….We’ll never give up the fight !

“What so proudly we hailed“

Under our flag, we marched, flew and sailed

“At the twilight’s last gleaming”

Of a brighter future continually dreaming.

“Thru the perilous fight”

The banner’s a breathtaking sight !

“And the rocket’s red glare”

Our flag continued waving there.

“The bombs bursting in air”

Remembering those who died there….

“Gave proof through the night”

We’ll never give up the fight !!

“In full glory reflected”

Trusting God…Never rejected.

“O long may it wave”

Over this land of the free and brave.

“….Battle’s confusion” ….”the havoc of war”

Continually knocks upon our door.

“Praise the power that hath made…”

And the mighty price hath paid.

In the land of the brave.

…Remembering all they gave.

“In God is our trust”

Our cause is true and just.

We raise the banner high

To those who live…..and die.

“And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave”

We are free because of what many gave !!!!

Heart of Gold by Vaneta Andrews

My Dad always signs emails, cards, etc. as “The Grouch” but you can’t judge a book by its cover. My Dad actually has a heart of gold. He would do anything for anybody.

The story begins when my Dad was 38. He had a massive heart attack, spent 4 weeks in the hospital and quit smoking. Then when he was 42 he had 5 by-passes and ten years later another 5 by-passes. A few years ago he had a pacemaker/defibulator put in and last year he had one stint put in. Through all this he never stopped giving.

Dad has taken pictures for years, not just of me or Logan but also of our friends. He always shares the pictures with our friends’ families. He also gave pictures to the year book club and to the local newspaper.

In high school a fellow basketball player of mine didn’t have anyone supporting her so my dad decided to be that supporter. He insisted on taking her with us after games to get our free drink. He often gave her a ride home as well.

My dad never let a “little” chest pain stop him. He practiced softball with me even when I know he really didn’t feel like it. Often times it would be just he and I on the softball field till I was tired and ready to quit. He taught me everything I know except maybe how to “throw like a girl”.

Dad also taught me to ride motorcycles, shoot, hunt and fish. He taught me that you never give up no matter what and you give what you can to others. So even though his heart may not be made of gold it sure is “worth its weight in gold”.

Men in My Life by Joyce Schafer

Over the years, I have been blessed with several special guys in my life and I would like to take this opportunity to honor them.

Even though my father has been gone for many years I still remember his kind and gentle nature whether he was dealing with animals or people. The times I remember most were when orphan animals would need special care and he would bring them into the house to warm up. I also remember how he would quit working and take me to a 4H meeting or band practice and not complain about it. Sunday mornings he would get up early to do chores so that he could take his family to church.

Growing up with three brothers taught me perseverance. I always knew that despite all the teasing and put-downs that they really liked me. It took maturity for them to be able to actually show it. Today I know that if I ever needed anything they are always there for me.

My husband has taught me what real love is. It is being able to talk, cry and laugh about anything. It is about putting others first. I got one of the Good Guys and for that I thank God every day.

As a mother, I have been amazed to watch my sons become grownups. I look back and remember these two little boys playing with their little tractors in the dirt. Today they are all grown-up and spend their days working on great big tractors. The only thing that hasn’t changed is they still get dirty. All I can say is they remind me of their father and that is the best compliment that I can give them.

We are blessed with six grandsons. These boys have been following their fathers and grandpa around from the time they could walk. They too have spent a lot of time playing in the dirt and now are driving tractors and taking care of animals. Will they also grow up to be good fathers and Godly men? I can only do what grandmothers have been doing for many years and that is to pray for them.

Proverbs 20:7 “The righteous man leads a blameless life, blessed are his children after him.”

Happy Father’s Day!