Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Daydreamer by Tana LeMay

One Christmas years ago, my dad and stepmom gave me a Norman Rockwell figurine. It’s a young woman sitting with her chin resting in her hands, leaning forward, her elbows on her knees. She’s staring dreamily into space. The figurine is called “The Daydreamer”. My parents were quite pleased with themselves for finding something that so aptly described me. At the time, I wasn’t amused.

With the passage of time and the gaining of wisdom, I can appreciate the gift more. For you see, I do like to daydream. To imagine the what ifs of life. What if my husband let me buy the shiny red Jeep Wrangler? What if we lived in a small beach side community? What if I lost those extra pounds? What if……

Daydreaming in moderation is ok, but too much time spent there could lead to discontent; to resenting, instead of enjoying, the blessings we do have. And, we have all been blessed in some way or other. Paul writes to Timothy, “Godliness with contentment is great gain.” (1Timothy 6:6) In Philippians 4:11, Paul declares, “for I have learned to be content, whatever the circumstances.”

How do we learn to be content in a world that bombards us with advertising full of young, beautiful actors? I believe the first step is daily prayer and time in God’s word. Take a moment to list what God has done for you. Review it regularly, and add to it as more blessings come your way. The next time you find yourself standing in a line with free time to daydream, count your blessings instead and thank God for each one of them.

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