Monday, March 8, 2010

God Doesn't Get Weary by Joyce Schafer

I am so glad God does not get weary of mankind because if he did I would be in deep trouble. He would be in heaven saying "Oh, here she goes again gossiping, spending money on shoes she really doesn't need, worrying about her family, friends, coworkers and even people she doesn't know. Why can't she just get it right and quit making the same mistakes over and over again? As for the worrying, doesn't she know yet that I will take care of everything and the only thing the worrying does is put another grey hair in her head? Oh, great, now she is worrying about the grey in her hair. What else can I do? I am just so tired of telling her the same thing over and over again?"
Thank you, God, for being you and knowing the struggle I face everyday and that I will never get it completely right on this earth but that you love me anyway.

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