Monday, March 8, 2010

Better than a Cookie by Susan Shull

I love to read. I even experience a “panic-y” feeling if I have time-even a few minutes-without a book or magazine to enjoy. I really think a book is my security blanket!

When a new book is published by one of my favorite authors, I often buy it, knowing I will probably read it more than once. To me, it is a sign of a good book and a good writer if I want to read it again, enjoying it on a different level the second time or returning to a nice imaginary world and the people who live there. I am always on the lookout for writers who can create those places for me.

Then we have the Bible. I am so excited by the many adults and children who are reading through the Bible this year. What a treat is in store for us! If you have read the Bible more than once, you know that it isn’t like any other book. The Hebrew writer states “The word of God is living and active.” That can’t be said about any other book or words of man.

Every time I open the Holy Scriptures, I see something different, learn something new, or am challenged and convicted in a new way. God can and does speak to my heart through his written word, and when I stop and consider the millions of other Christians who are also reading and studying the Bible, receiving from the Heavenly Father just what they need to hear, I realize anew “what a mighty God we serve.”

Now for my challenge for this year. Not only do I love to read, I also love to eat. Baking and eating fresh-from-the-oven-cowgirl cookies can put me right in my “happy place”. I long for the day when I crave Jesus, the bread of life, and his holy word just as much.

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