Monday, March 8, 2010

Eternal Impressions by Tana LeMay

The email arrived in my in-box Monday as I was closing up shop. It had been a tough day. One of our co-workers had lost her mother unexpectedly over the weekend and our hearts were grieved for her. The subject line of this email indicated more bad news. I was tempted to leave it for tomorrow, but couldn’t. Upon reading it, I learned that one of our department’s leaders was leaving the company. Brooke had accepted an executive position elsewhere. I have to admit my immediate reaction wasn’t one of happiness for her, but rather sadness for me and my co-workers. Brooke is one of those exceptional people who truly lives to help others. Her goal is to ensure those she works with are successful in reaching their goals. That attitude wasn’t only served at Yellowbook, but also in the community as she works with several non-profit organizations.

Over the next several days, everyone I spoke with mentioned Brooke’s leaving. All expressed how much she would be missed. I spoke with Brooke the day before she left. She said she was overwhelmed, almost uncomfortable, with how everyone shared their opinion of her to her. She had no idea she had left such a positive impression on everyone.

I think most of us are aware of how we impact those we are close to; those we live with and those we share most of our life with. This experience has me thinking about the impact I make on those who aren’t part of my daily life. What impression do I leave with those whose path I cross occasionally or even rarely? My attitude tells a lot about my internal soul. If I am continually bitter, I leave an impression of someone who is unhappy, living a life without joy. If I am constantly angry or hateful, I represent someone who isn’t full of goodness or gentleness. When dealing with someone who is difficult, I need to remember there may be a reason for her negative behavior. She might have received bad news from a doctor, or been told by her husband that he doesn’t love her anymore.

As I go about my day, I need to remember that my attitude does have an impact on those I come in contact with. Dear Heavenly Father, help me to be your ambassador as I go throughout my day. I pray that my words and attitude are honoring to you and uplifting to those I meet today. Help me to leave them with a smile on their face and joy in their heart. Amen.

31So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— 33even as I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.
1 Corinthians 10:31-33

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