Sunday, August 10, 2008

Overwhelmed by Tana LeMay

Overwhelmed. When don’t I feel this way? Living in a culture that is over stimulated, constantly moving and changing, makes this feeling seem almost normal. Every day, we are surrounded by people, items and situations demanding our attention. Once you jump on that vicious wheel that is constantly turning, never stopping, it’s hard to get off.

Of course, some of my stress is self-induced. I’m always finding more that needs to be done; busy tasks that will probably go unnoticed by others whether I complete them or not. I let them worry at me until I take the time to do them.

This past year at work has been very busy, with only a day off here and there (which I fill with items from my to-do list!). I wasn’t planning to take a week off, but my big project has been stalled. I decided to take advantage and will be on vacation next week.

Immediately, I added to my to-do list – wash windows, clean closets and cabinets, transplant irises, put up sweet corn………. Then I met with my Write Sisters. After studying our lesson, Julie reached for our tin of words and pulled out “Overwhelmed”. Great. I live it and now I have to write about it. Fortunately, thinking about this word led me to think of the opposite – rest and relaxation.

Jesus not only took time to rest himself, he also recognized that each of us needs a time of rest. Mark 6:31b-32 says, “he said to them (his disciples), “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place.

I have promised myself that I will follow Jesus’ lead. With kids home from school, I won’t have much opportunity for solitude. However, since they are so good at resting, I think I’ll make time to plop right down beside them and enjoy some rest.

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