Sunday, August 10, 2008

Help is on the Way by Susan Shull

My name is Susan and I am a S.H.E. (Side-tracked Home Executive). For those of you who are Born-Organized, the rest of this will seem ridiculous so quit reading now.

One of the most humiliating events in my life occurred years ago when our boys were small. It was late afternoon in the dead of winter and the boys and I had spent the entire day playing. The floor was covered with Legos, blocks, toy tractors, Hot Wheels, puzzles, and books. Dirty glasses and cookie crumbs were on the end tables; folded stacks of laundry lay on the couch. We were probably still in our pajamas-not unusual for us in those days. The boys were watching Daniel Boone reruns and I was more than likely reading or crafting when we heard a knock at the door. Since there was no pretending we were gone, I answered the door. One of Brad’s sweet aunts stood there-someone who had never visited us before and who didn’t know we didn’t normally live in filth. I was mortified beyond words. She was very gracious but didn’t stay long. I promised myself that would never happen again……….but it did.

I just have always had trouble keeping things “together”. I get involved in a project and let every thing else fall apart. Can I get a witness?

Miraculously, a few years ago in a random email I learned about a website that literally changed my life- This is a free service started by a busy, messy procrastinator just like me, Marla Cilley. Marla sends daily emails helping her readers to establish good routines, get rid of clutter, check their calendars, and complete easy-to-do daily housekeeping missions. Her motto is “You can do anything for 15 minutes!” My timer is now something I could never do without-I have one upstairs, downstairs, and in my desk at school.

What a difference flylady has made! I now know that when my outsides are messy my insides are messy, and I hate that feeling. One of the best benefits of the whole flylady system has been helping me establish a morning routine which includes at least 15 minutes for Bible reading. This may not sound like much, but it is amazing how much can be read in that amount of time. Over a year, it really adds up.

Our house still isn’t perfect, but I’m usually not embarrassed to have unexpected company any more. I feel so much better about myself even though my natural tendency to procrastinate still causes me problems. If any of this sounds familiar and you are ready to make a change, give yourself a little hug, turn on your computer, and check out Flylady. I wish I had known about it years ago.

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