Sunday, June 1, 2008

Friends by Joyce Schafer

I have often thought that friends are special angels that God sends to help us and teach us here on earth. They come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them we have for a short time and some we have for a lifetime.
The first friends I remember making were in second grade. These two little girls and I were best friends all through grade school. We played together, had sleepovers and most importantly shared the same opinion of boys. They were Stupid! One friend was Catholic, one was Lutheran and I was Methodist. God was teaching me at a very young age that we are all His children.
Then in high school there were six of us that became really close. We met in Home Ec. Class. A class all of us were taking not because we wanted to but because our mothers insisted. Thankfully we had a wonderful teacher that made the class bearable. As everyone knows, as a teenager your life consists of a lot of highs and lows and we helped each other through all these phases.
By Senior year things really started changing and some of the six decided boys were not so stupid and started becoming couples, leaving little time for their girlfriends. Another valuable lesson was learned. Friends change and not all friendships survive.
As a young adult another special friend came into my life. She eventually got married and moved out of state. Lesson #3: friendships can survive long distances.
About this same time I met someone who has been my best friend for almost 40 years. This friend has been there for me through the bad times and the good times. The most important lesson I have learned is it is truly a gift from God when you marry your best friend.
My life has always been and continues to be blessed by friends. They truly are my angels on earth and I thank God everyday for sending them to me.

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