Sunday, January 22, 2012

written by Donna (Ensign) Woods

(Matthew 6:21)
("For where your treasure is
there your heart will be also.")
Where is my heart's treasure ?
What truly gives me joyous pleasure ?
I have 5 children, I treasure and love
and 8 grandchildren, blessed from above.
I treasure beautiful places
And the love found on precious faces.
Blessings I ponder when I sit alone
In the peaceful silence of my home.
A scrapbook of memories I treasure
Of people, places and things of pleasure.
I greatly value being mother and wife
....But true lasting treasure is not of this life
The greatest treasure I've known....
The love and sacrifice Christ has shown.
I treasure God's mercy and grace
And the love as I seek His face.
I treasure the blood He freely gave
Just so my soul...He could save
I treasure His words written in red
And every truth and promise He said.
I treasure His wisdom, strength and hope
As He gives me courage to live and cope.
Humbly I fall at the foot of the cross
I treasure being found.....and no longer lost.

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