Saturday, December 31, 2011

What am I Thankful for This Year? by Joyce Schafer

This year I want to give God thanks for the Quiet Times in my life. My world has too much noise in it. At work, I listen to computers humming, doors opening, coffeemakers dripping, cars honking, fax machines beeping, radios playing, phones ringing, people talking and trains whistling....
Then I come home to a washer running, dryer tumbling, oven timer ringing, dishwasher washing, microwave dinging and telephone singing. Notice I said nothing about radio or T.V.----there are some things I can control.
I can also choose to take breaks in my noisy day to spend quiet time with the morning at my kitchen table with my Bible, in the middle of my day at the park and in the evenings in my comfy chair journaling about my day. I spend this time being thankful for the blessings and asking forgiveness for the things I did wrong. I also pray for others and for wisdom ( I need a lot of that ) In dealing with the challenges in my life. Most importantly I give it all to God. Sometimes I take it back but He knows that I am a work in progress so allows me to give it to Him again and again.
He truly does lead me to quiet places and restores my soul and for this I am truly thankful.

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