Tuesday, May 3, 2011

SCARS written by Donna (Ensign) Woods

As I slowly stirred the soup bubbling on the stove, I noticed Maddy, my 3 1/2 year old
granddaughter. She was very deep in thought....too deep for a small child. I could see the
anxiety on her precious little face,
as she rubbed her hand over the long, rough scar on her tummy......
The scar that is a constant reminder of the huge cancerous tumor that nearly took her
life when she was only 13 months old. She is too young to remember that horrifying
time in her life that was filled with pain and fear....
but she knows that her tummy doesn't look like other kid's tummies.
After a few moments she raised her shirt and looked at the jagged scar.
She then looked up at me and said,"Grandma, is my belly pretty??"
I nearly choked with emotion as I exclaimed,"Maddy, your belly is  BEAUTIFUL !!!"
Her face lit up as a big smile made her blue eyes dance ! Delighted, she ran into the
family room to check on her sleeping baby dolls.
Everything was suddenly perfect and right in her world again.
Tears rolled down my cheeks as I turned my attention back to the bubbling soup.
Maddy's scar IS beautiful !
A beautiful reminder of the miracle that saved her precious little life.
A beautiful reminder of God's awesome mercy.
A beautiful reminder of His answers to our desperate, pleading prayers.
A beautiful reminder to be thankful  every  day.
Jesus has scars too.....beautiful scars !
On His head...to remind us He is our Savior and King.
On His hands... to remind us of His love...
As He spread them wide to show us just how much.
On His feet...to remind us to walk with Him.
In His side...to remind us He is beside us always.
Beautiful scars.
Maddy's scar reminds us of the miracle that saved HER ...
Jesus' scars remind us of the miracle that saved US...
"Yes Maddy, Your belly is beautiful !!"

1 comment:

Theresa Z said...

What a beautiful story and reminder. Great job Donna.