Monday, February 21, 2011

Supervise by Joyce Schafer

My granddaughter, Keely, and I were playing outside when she decided that she needed a drink. After naming off the different drink choices she decided on chocolate milk. As she was going into the house she turned to me and said “Grandma, you might want to come in and supervise.”

My relationship with God is a lot like that. Even though there are many times in my life when I can do things on my own, it always goes a lot smoother if I ask God to “supervise.” I did not need to supervise Keely preparing her drink. She did a perfect job of getting a glass, pouring her milk, adding the chocolate syrup [ok, maybe I did tell her when it was enough] and stirring it up. She did not make a mess but it was comforting to her to know that I was there in case she did make a mess to help clean it up.

I am thankful for many things---my family, my friends, my job, my church and especially for a God who continues to love and “supervise” me.

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