Sunday, August 8, 2010

Summer Time - Time to Trim the Ivy - by Joyce Schafer

We have an old block garage with ivy growing up one side. While some (including my husband) think of this as an eyesore, I personally think that this ivy adds charm . It was , however, growing out of control, blocking windows and heading toward my automatic garage door. Ok, I like old things but I also like the convenience of not having to get out and open doors. So, I decided it was time to trim the ivy.

As I was clipping away, this ivy reminded me of a human tongue. When kept in check it has the power to say beautiful things but when it gets out of control it can cause extreme problems. The ivy was clinging to every thing that it touched much like gossip can leave behind a trail of destruction. Some of the ivy was trying to bury itself in crevices that could weaken the building. This is much like harsh words spoken to another can become buried in that person causing a weakening in his structure.

I came to realize that just like my ivy, I need to trim the words that flow off of my tongue and to make sure they are a thing of beauty and do not grow ugly and out of control. Words are a powerful tool and they can be used to build others up or tear them down. I pray with God’s help that my words just like my ivy will be kept in check and will be a thing of beauty.

Psalm 34:13 (New International Version) 13 keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.

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