Sunday, August 8, 2010

Don't Hold Back by Susan Shull

As a teacher of junior high kids, I am surrounded each day by young people searching for their place in the world. They are so full of potential and talent and I feel that part of my job is to encourage each of them to develop the gifts God has given them. Much of that comes from being willing to try new things. Sadly, some of them are already beaten down by past failures and the negativity of others, and they are scared to death to do something out of their comfort zones. Of course, then there is the thing dreaded by all 13-14 year olds-doing anything that might label them as “different.” At this age, the tendency is to be one of the flock- blending in, not standing out.

Wait a minute……that sounds amazingly like most adults I know, including me! However, if I don’t think it is the way for kids to behave, what about the grownups? God has graciously given each of us talents and gifts to use in His kingdom for His glory. Since I want to live a life that is pleasing to Him, why wouldn’t I use what He has given me?

I grew up playing the piano in church. I’m so appreciative that the great people who attend the Hidalgo Independent Christian Church were patient when they sang “Wonderful Words of Life” and “There Will be Showers of Blessings” over and over on Sunday night because those were among the only songs I was comfortable playing!

The piano has been a great source of pleasure and comfort to me over the years, so when I was asked again if I would join the Praise Band, this time I said yes. Believe me, it is a little scary to stand on the stage and play in front of all those people, and it is intimidating to be offering my praise to a Holy God with others watching. But, I have decided it isn’t about me and I’m going to do it even if I do have butterflies in my stomach and slightly shaky knees the whole time!

Can you imagine the blessings that would flow if each of us would step out of our boxes and live our lives 100% for His glory? God has promised a blessing to those who use their talents-they will receive more. Who wouldn’t want that?

Please join me on this journey. We probably weren’t gifted in TV watching, internet surfing, or criticizing others, (all things I am pretty good at) so let’s start today praying that God will show us the special traits we possess and the ways we can use them for Him.

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