Sunday, December 13, 2009

Everyone Needs Hope by Theresa Zuber

For the past year or more we've heard a lot about "Hope." But still, there are so many who feel hopeless. Real hope cannot be found in any politician or plan. True hope can only be found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. He is always there, He keeps His promises & He will supply everything you need.

I don't pretend that I have it all together or that my life is a bed of roses because I'm a Christian. I mess up. I fall short. I have disasters in my life, too. But covering over all my sins - all my failures - is Jesus blood, His grace and His forgiveness.

I have hope because I know God has a plan for me - and for you! I have hope because I know there's more to life than what the world offers.

It started with a baby in a manger but it didn't end with his death on the cross. My Savior defied death and rose from the grave. His vitory over death gives me hope that there is MORE.

I pray that this Christmas season you will accept the gift of salvation and hope that Jesus purchased for you with his life. He's longing for you to belong to those He calls His own. If you'd like to find out more about this hope we have, we'd love to help you find it!

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