Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Written Legacy by Tana LeMay

My family wasn’t big on traditions or the concept of a legacy to intentionally pass on through succeeding generations. My grandmother, however, loved to tell stories of her life growing up in Fairfield. I loved hearing her stories, but can only remember bits and pieces of them. I wish I had had the foresight to put her stories in writing before she passed away. Now, they are lost forever.

Several years ago, a friend of mine tried to turn me on to journaling. I found it to be an interesting idea, but wasn’t driven enough to make it a habit. Fortunately, Donna Woods was led to lead a journaling class, and the rest, as they say, is history.

My main reason for journaling is to have a means of passing along to my children and grandchildren a legacy of sharing my written words. A means to provide them a glimpse into my daily life, my thoughts and most importantly, my relationship with my savior, Jesus.

In today’s busy world, we lose focus of what’s meaningful. We’re just too busy living. I hope my children will read my journals and share them with their children. Maybe, somewhere along the way, one of them will also put pen to paper, sharing a piece of themselves to pass along to future generations. My prayer is that this legacy will reveal to those who come after us the richness and comfort of walking along side Christ and that He will be the common thread of a legacy that will live forever.

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