Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I Am From.... by Tana LeMay

(Modeled after a poem by Georgia Ella Lyons)

I am from weekends at the farm
with a cranky pony named Ginger and a friendly mutt called Buzz.
I am from waking up to the voice of Jan Rush,
the sizzling of frying bacon and the smell of brewing coffee.
I am from the Dog n Suds and root beer mugs and
helping Dad bag Christmas treats for his bus route kids.
I am from Barbie dolls, paper dolls and endless games of rummy.
I am from summers at the Drive-In, taking tickets, boxing popcorn,
and five straight nights of Cool Hand Luke.
I am from tri-colored shag carpets where the wolf spiders hid;
from Fairground street, with the ornery Britton kids as neighbors.
I am from elephant pants and velour sweaters;
from Seasons in the Son, Elvis Presley and Elton John.
I am from formal living rooms reserved only for company,
family vacations, Cardinal baseball and VBS.
I am from fried chicken and homemade rolls every Sunday;
from strawberry picking and gathering eggs. I don’t like hens.
I am from 3 hours drives on Christmas Eve and unwrapping gifts at 2:00 am.
I am from Walter Kronkite, the Vietnam War and Watergate.
I am from John Wayne movies and Sunday nights dedicated to Gun Smoke.
Through it all, I am from my heavenly Father,
yesterday, today and tomorrow.

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