Monday, July 11, 2011

May I? Can I? Will I? by Julie Short

I loved the game “Mother May I’ as a child.  I learned the difference between Can I and May I.  I know because I work in Early Childhood, that I learned many other things while playing the game.  I learned impulse control (to stop and think first before I acted.) I learned the difference between big and little, counting, and social skills. 
In today’s Oswald Chambers devotion (July 9th,) he wrote that believing and serving God is a choice, a decision.  It’s not can I serve the Lord or can I believe, It’s will IWill I accept that I can do nothing good apart from God and that I can do all things through Him who gives me strength?
Philippians 4:13
I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
So when I think or say “I can’t do this or that”, what I am really saying is I won’t allow God to do this or that through me.  Am I willing to step aside and let God work through me?   He Will, if I allow Him.
In the game, “Mother May I” if you ask “Can I?” instead of “May I?” you lose your turn.
“Can I?” is asking, am I able?
“May I?” is asking for permission.
We are asked as Christians “Will I?” 
Will I continue to pick up and carry boxes of discontent, arguing and complaining, whining, anger, judging others, self doubt, worries, toxic guilt, or I should have, boxes and if so how long will I carry them?
Will I choose not to pick them up and choose to do all for the Glory of the Father?

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