Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Amazing Love... by Vaneta Andrews

Amazing Love, how can it be?
That you my king would die for me.

This song brings me to tears every time I hear it! And with good reason!! Have you ever really thought about it? How can it be … that Jesus, a sinless man – God’s own son, was willing to die a horrific death … FOR ME, FOR YOU?

How can it be that God would be willing to sacrifice His only son … FOR ME, FOR YOU? I think about that sacrifice often and I’m pretty sure I couldn’t and wouldn’t sacrifice my son.

Amazing love I know it’s true
It’s my joy to honor you.

It’s my joy to honor you … or is it? I want it to be and it should be but I don’t always honor Him. I definitely don’t always find joy in honoring Him. Some of the things He asks me to do take hard work, require some form of sacrifice, or takes me out of my comfort zone. I don’t always find joy in those things until the lesson has been learned. And yet none of these things compare to the sacrifice He gave for a people so undeserving.

We are forgiven because He was forsaken
We are accepted, He was condemned.

If He is tugging at your heart to make a decision to follow Him … Don’t wait, Don’t hesitate. He didn’t. When called upon He willingly left Heaven to walk & live as man. The only difference is that He was sinless and not deserving of the death He faced.

Lord – I am so sorry you had to die for me but I am so thankful that you did!

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