Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Mother's Heart by Tana LeMay

In Luke chapter 2, there are two references to Mary storing up treasures of Jesus in her heart:
2:19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
2:51 Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart

As mothers, how often do we to hold within our hearts the precious memories of our children’s years with us? The days pass so quickly from birth to the empty nest. When they are young and require so much of our time and energy, it seems as if they’ll be with us forever. But I have learned that those days pass in the blink of an eye.

I was never disciplined enough to write down the things they said (out of the mouth of babes) or the silly games they would invent. But I have the snapshots of those moments and much more stored within my memory and heart. Those times when I said to myself “I want to remember this forever”. Some of these memories are of good, pleasant things, but some are also of difficult situations. Those times when I knew they would eventually learn from the event, no matter how painful.

It won’t be long before my husband and I become empty nesters. I look forward to those days with some expectation and also with some despair. The house will be quieter (and cleaner). The calendar will have more empty spaces than ever before. The memories will be sweeter. But this next chapter of our lives and theirs will also be an opportunity to store up more memories. Memories of graduations, new careers and homes, and maybe even weddings and babies. And so, the circle continues.

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