Thursday, May 21, 2009

In God's Hands by Donna (Ensign) Woods

Our children grow up so very fast
Creating colorful rainbows for our past.

When they were little, I watched over them day and night,
Trying to teach them everything good and right.

As babies I carried them to and fro,
Taking them wherever I wanted them to go.

Holding a toddler’s hand, I could easily lead…
Out to play, or in to bathe and feed.

I could scoop them up in my arms each day,
To rescue them from the path of harm’s way.

As a mom, I could chase away all fears,
And a tender hug could dry up tears.

I bathed them in love, right from the start.
I had the miracle cure for a child’s broken heart.

They soon grow up and leave mom’s protective wings,
With a future to explore with many exciting things.

I can no longer carry them, or hold their hand…
Only God can lead them through what He has planned.

I don’t have all the answers, as it seemed before.
That’s why I kneel before the Father’s door.

He can guide them safely, day and night,
And shield them from the evil they must fight.

A praying parent is divinely armed,
Finding peace in knowing they won’t be harmed.

Mama holds their hands for just a little while,
But the Lord is there, through every earthly mile.

I want for my babies the very best.
I want them to be healthy and richly blessed.

I can’t be with them every step of the way,
…But I can pray for them, many times each day.

Please, dear Lord, prepare each child for your perfect will.
Be there for them as they climb each dangerous hill.

They no longer need to hold my hand,
But they do need my prayers to help them stand.

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