Monday, March 9, 2009

Jesus Loves Me, This I Know by Susan Shull

I hate missing church. When I am not there, I know I am really missing out. Even on the days we are out of town and visit another congregation, Sunday doesn’t seem “right.” Those of us who attend Scott Avenue Christian Church are so lucky. Let me restate that. We aren’t lucky-we are blessed. We have so many opportunities to learn about the love of Jesus.

We are so blessed that our Praise Team leads us in worship each Sunday. The psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs we sing are very powerful. They uplift us, and we pray are pleasing to God as we proclaim his majesty and glory, praising him for who he is and all he has done for us in sending his perfect Son to die on the cross for our sins.

We are so blessed that we always have an inspiring message. It is evident that Mark spends a great deal of time immersing himself in the word and praying that God will give him the words that we need to hear. I don’t know about you, but every Sunday it seems that I am convicted of sin in my life and changes I need to make. I am also reminded that my life is not about me. We are here in this time and place for a higher purpose than the amount of pleasure we can get from each day, or the amount of work we can accomplish, or the amount of money in our bank accounts.

We are so blessed that we have wonderful Bible fellowship classes to attend. It is heart-warming to me to see people heading off to class grabbing a cup of coffee and chatting for a few minutes with their brothers and sisters in Christ. Relationships are built as we open God’s word in small groups and share how Christ is working in our lives.

Even with all of this occurring every Sunday, we also know that what happens for two hours one morning a week will never completely fill the need we have to know Him more. I am so very thankful that our God doesn’t stay in a church building and only show himself to us once a week.
Because of the mercy and grace of our heavenly Father, we can have access to his perfect love 24/7. As Christians, the Holy Spirit lives within us. Those are such simple words to write, but almost impossible to fathom. I don’t understand it, but I am so thankful for it. As if that wasn’t enough, His word is always ready to be opened and He will speak to us, showing us his magnificence and splendor.

How can you not love Jesus once you meet him on the pages of the inspired word? The more I learn about Him, the more I want to know. Don’t cheat yourself. Get involved so you can partake of the best thing this life has to offer-true LOVE.

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