Friday, June 5, 2009

Grow Up by Julie Short

When I was a child I acted like a child, unfortunately I still find myself at 49 acting like a child at times. I want to grow in my spiritual walk with God so, I need to put away childish ways. (I Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man I put childish ways behind me.)

I still can laugh and enjoy life, I just need to stop having tantrums and fits. A 49 year old having a 3 year old's tantrum, isn’t pretty and it doesn’t glorify God. I have spent a lot of time crossing my arms, sticking out my lower lip, crying and stomping my feet yelling, "I can’t , it’s too hard" or "I don’t want to do what I know is right."

My job is to observe children and their environments. I often think that if the adult just saw how they were interacting with the child (through the use of a video camera) no words would be needed they would simply stop.

I often act childish when I’m out in public with my husband. Well, by public I am referring to taking a walk and complaining the entire time about this or that. Then I remember “you may be the only bible someone reads” Ouch! Will they see a 49 year old proclaiming to be a Christian and acting like a spoiled 3 year old, or will they see a woman who is walking in love, full of self control and gentleness?

I praise God and thank Him for being a merciful God, but that does not mean I need to continue in my sin. (I John 5:18 We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin…) It means I need to make a strong, determined effort wrapped in constant prayer to be a vessel that God can use to show His love. Anything good in me comes from God. In my weakness I am a mess. When I stop acting like a child, God can do amazing things through me.

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