In His Hands, I Am Enough
by Tina Schafer
I often feel that I am not enough- not doing enough, not good enough, not pleasing enough. The list goes on. I often doubt that I have what it takes, and left to myself, this is true. God has given me special gifts, talents, strengths, and even weaknesses. This should be more than enough.
In all four Gospels we read the account of Jesus feeding the multitude with only five loaves and two fish. Where did it come from? Only in John's account do we see that a young boy brought the loaves and the fish to Jesus. This boy put what little he had in the hands of the supplier and the multiplier. In the hands of Jesus, the not enough became more than enough! Everyone ate until they were full with leftovers to spare. Only the faith of a child by the power of God could accomplish such a miracle. In the hands of Jesus even a little is a lot, and often more than is needed.
So it isn't about what I have to offer, but whose hands I place it in. In His hands, He will use my gifts and talents to accomplish His purposes. In His hands, He will show His power through my weakness. In His hands, He will take what I offer and make it something more. But only when I let go and place it in His hands.
John 6:8-9 "Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, spoke up, 'Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?"
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