Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Time by Donna (Ensign) Woods

TIME.......Too much of it, we become bored and restless

Not enough....We panic and stress.

There is a TIME to be born...a TIME to die

As we live and laugh and cry.

A TIME to plant and to pull up

As God refills our empty cup.

A TIME to kill and to heal

In the arms of God we know and feel.

A TIME to tear down and to re-build

...Trusting what God had willed.

A TIME for weeping and for laughter

Knowing what we are searching after.

A TIME to mourn and A TIME for dancing

Creating memories and romancing.

A TIME to scatter

And then to gather.

A TIME to embrace and refrain

Finding joy amidst the pain.

A TIME to search....and never give up

To move forward...or to back up

A TIME to keep pieces of the past

...Or trade them in for something to last.

A TIME to tear or to mend

There is no TIME to pretend

A TIME to be silent and still

As God teaches us to climb each hill.

A TIME to speak

...And encourage the weak.

A TIME to love.....

Being blessed from above.

A TIME to hate....

Making crooked way straight.

A TIME for peace...and for war,

As we journey through each new door.

Trusting God, each moment of our day

....Guiding our hearts along the way.

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