Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Make Me a Blessing by Vaneta Andrews

I have always been an encourager and sending cards has always been my passion!  But somehow I had gotten away from what gave me such joy.  There was a void in my life and I didn't know it!

Then when I moved here I was blessed, like all those around me, to receive birthday cards from Anna Mae Warfel.  One could always count on finding at least one card in the mailbox on that special day and you knew it was going to be signed "Anna Mae".  When she passed away it saddened me for many reasons.  One being that her ministry was dead too.  But then in Mark's funeral sermon he challenged those of us there to carry on Anna Mae's legacy.  I bawled! This was just the nudge I needed.  I knew exactly what I had to do. So that first year after Anna Mae's passing I sent birthday cards in her memory - which totally freaked out some people.  I've been doing my best to carry on Anna Mae's legacy and start my own since then.

You too can be a part of the card ministry.  You can send your own cards for birthdays, anniversaries, get wells or just thinking about you.  Or you can help me in this ministry.  You can donate cards (blank or birthday) or even postage.

Whatever you do I pray you find your spiritual gift (we all have at least one) and that you use it to Glorify God!

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