Thursday, May 6, 2010

One of God's Greatest Inventions by Joyce Schafer

I have been reading about great inventors who have ideas pop into their heads and go on to become very rich. Let me tell you, if I invented something based on ideas that pop into my brain we would now have a washer that sorted clothes before washing, a clothes dryer that not only dried the clothes but folded them and put them away, a floor that cleaned itself automatically, a system where cobwebs were always removed from the corners of the ceiling, and a genie who could throw together a meal in minutes. Oh, wait, God already invented these wonders in one. She is called Woman and in most cases she is also called wife, mother and maybe even grandmother. God gave women a special talent for seeing spills, dirt, cobwebs, wrinkles and clutter that most men do not even notice. He also gave us the talent for appreciating dandelion bouquets, knowing when a child is sick or sad without them saying a word and being able to love our child unconditionally no matter what they do. God really knew what he was doing when he had that light bulb moment and looked at Adam and thought “He really needs a Helpmate!”

This Mother’s Day please take the times to thank that special lady who does so much for you and all she wants in return is your love and respect. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!

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