Monday, March 9, 2009

A Prayer Life by Tana LeMay

Last summer, Susan wrote about a book she had read, Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. I recently finished the book and like Susan, I was deeply touched. The story line is about a friendship that develops between a wealthy white man and a homeless black man. Ron and Denver weren’t interested in a friendship, but it couldn’t be stopped due to the prayers of Ron’s wife and God’s intervention.

The prayer life of Debbie was what spoke to me the most. Debbie’s first reaction to every circumstance was prayer. Do you know any prayer warriors? I do and I’ve always been in awe of that aspect of their spiritual life. They always pray first when a need or praise arises. How do they do that? Is it a gift? A discipline? I usually remember to pray – later. It’s typically not my first response to a situation or need.

First Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to pray continually. This verse has been on my mind lately. I’ve struggled with this directive. Life is busy. How can we possibly spend it in continuous prayer? Just finding time for daily prayer has been a challenge. As I’ve studied this verse, I’ve come to the conclusion that it is speaking of a life style. By being in daily communion with Jesus, not only during regular prayer times, but throughout each and every day, we develop a habit of continuous communication with him. After all, isn’t that what prayer is – a conversation with Jesus? If my thoughts are centered around Him, my every action or reaction would habitually include Him.

Does this seem too lofty of a goal? By my own power, it definitely is. I’d fail before I even began. But through the strength of Jesus and the power of His word, it is attainable. Otherwise, the command wouldn’t be there. Is it attainable in one day? No. But I believe it is in one life time. It begins each morning as I set my focus and thoughts on Him.

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14

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