Do you ever feel like you get no peace? Each day is full of its own strife, trouble, and business - endless to do lists, questions to answer, people to see. And throughout it all is noise. It’s in the background, foreground and all around. If it’s not the TV or radio, it’s a door slamming, or a phone ringing, or a child yelling, “Mom!”.
“Peace is not the absence of trouble. Peace is the presence of God.” -Unknown
I am not a morning person. I love to sleep in. Even so, each work day I set my alarm to go off before everyone else’s. Why? That’s my time of peace and quiet. The only background noise is the soft ticking of a clock, or the muffled sound of the furnace or air conditioner running.
I have two favorite spots to enjoy my peace and quiet. In the winter you’ll find me in the coziness of our basement family room. My summer spot is my favorite – our front porch. Each day is greeted with the rising sun and the morning songs of the birds. Did I mention I’m not alone during these moments? Each morning, I ask Jesus to join me. I sit with Him, soaking in His word and allowing His peace to flow through me, charging my batteries for the busy day ahead.
The hectic holiday season is upon us. So much to do – shopping, holiday parties, baking, gift wrapping, decorating, etc. It’s a wonder we are even able to enjoy it. May I make a suggestion? Start each day with Jesus and allow His peace to nurture you throughout this season and into the next.
1Corinthians 1:3 (NIV) Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
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