Sunday, August 17, 2008

OVERWHELMED !!!!! by Donna (Ensign) Woods

HURRY!!...Get in the car.
Taking Madison to the E.R.
So much discomfort and pain,
Pray for no traffic or train.
Fever won't break...
How much can a baby take ?
Blood tests and x-rays...
Seem to take days !
My stomach...turning, churning...
As my mind is burning.
Feeling like I can't breathe
Praying God will answer and relieve.
Her tiny body swelling... one's telling.
CAT scan reveals the news,
There are no choices in which to choose.
...Big tumor....must come out !
What is this Dr. talking about ????
She's only 14 months old...
Hanging on every word we're told
For an ambulance...there isn't time,
...They helicopter Life Line !!!
So weak I can't stand !
This was never planned !!
Waiting for Maddy...a surgery team...
This must be some horrible dream !!
Her fearful, pleading eyes...
Hearts breaking with her cries...
Reeling from shock, this can't be true
So desperate...nothing we can do !
I fall to the floor to pray...
"Please dear Lord, don't take her away !!"
Cry so hard and pray so much,
For our Savior's healing touch.

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