As a recovering Oprah addict, I have been well-indoctrinated in the idea that just because I am of a certain age –okay, I am 52 and proud of it-doesn’t mean that I am ready to lie down and let the world spin off without me. No, I don’t have 50 loads of laundry to do every day and ballgames of some sort to attend every evening. No one needs me to check over his homework or pick him up after practice. After some time of reflection, I realized that I am entering a new phase in my life, and it is a good one. There is still a lot of go in this girl and many, many things I want to do and places I want to go. I want to be the best possible wife, mother, mother-in-law, and Grammy (do I ever want to be a good Grammy!).
Unfortunately for Oprah’s viewers, she doesn’t mention the source for living the best possible life of all-my Savior, Jesus Christ. When I stop to consider what a mighty and powerful God I serve, I realize that as a Christian the world truly is my oyster, my present to unwrap, my treasure to discover. Of course, my life will not always be a bed of roses or carefree. Christ never promises us it will be. As a matter of fact, this hasn’t been the rosiest of winters. Learning that my sister has breast cancer, my dad needed to have 10 inches of colon removed, and that little spot on my nose was skin cancer was a bit of a blow. But, God is good all the time and things are looking up all the way around. We have received many blessings during this challenging time and I am so thankful for His grace, love, and protection.
Through all the daily struggles and messiness of living each day, we can all be comforted in the surety that God has great things planned for each of us. We have been “fearfully and wonderfully made” and placed here in this time and place “for such a time as this.” God created each of us for his purposes and has plans for our ultimate good. So, I pray that I won’t live a life of fear or let the devil steal my joy. Instead, I pray that I will step up and let God direct my path…….my path that is full of possibilities.
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