*"Give thanks in all circumstances for that is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" 1 Thessalonians5:18
* God, Jesus, His grace, His mercy, His love, His forgiveness, Salvation and Eternal life.
* I'm no longer lost, but found. My sins have been forgiven and I've been set free ! Thank you Jesus
* Gently holding the tiny cup of "His Blood" between my finger tips....watching my own pulse beat...
tiny ripples in "His Blood"....Communing....my heart beat....His Blood...my sin....His Salvation..
my temperal...His Eternal....my failure...His Forgiveness...my punishment.....His Sacrifice....
* Thankful for my husband and sons and the joys and opportunities each day with them brings.
* God's world is beautiful. Thankyou, Heavenly Father, for the natural wonders you surround us with. * Earth, sun, moon, mountains, water, trees, flowers, wind, air, animals, plants, pets .....
* Wonderful husband, good friends, sons and daughters, grandchildren......family.
* True friends......who lift you up....when your heart's wings forget how to fly. (love that quote)
* Broken pieces......Broken glass, Torn cloth....Shattered dreams, broken hearts...and God's ability to make something beautiful out of all those broken pieces (If we are willing to give them all to Him)
* God Moments. Opportunities to encourage a fellow traveler along the dusty roads of life.
* Home made rag dolls......gifts from Merle Kinder......sweet memories.....
*I'm so grateful for the good health my family and I enjoy.
* A baby's laugh is the sweetest sound.....You can't help but smile when hearing it.
* Thankyou Heavenly Father, for loving me. * .....even though I don't deserve it.
* The joy and peace that blankets a God-loving Christian family...when life isn't fair......
* The words of poetry God gives my pen.
* His promises, His plan, His timing, His unfailing love.
* Music to my soul....rhythm of the rain...sounds of laughter....song birds at sunrise....old hymns...cricket serenade....distant rolls of thunder....hypnotic waves.....the symphony of nature
* The memories of yesterday, the gift of today, the hope of tomorrow......
* I'm thankful for my job and the good people I get to work with every day. I am so blessed !
* My old tattered large print Bible, notes scribbled, highlighted verses, wrinkled and tear stained.
* The American flag and everything it stands for....and everyone who is willing to "stand" for it.
* Peace, solitude, quiet time to write, to think, to pray.........to listen
* Corn on the cob....butter dripping......... red, ripe, juicy watermelon.....and chocolate !!!!!
* The ability to work, walk, talk, see and hear......huge gifts I often take for granted
*Missionaries......who go where no one else will....full of compassion, energy and a message to share.
* Maddy.....cancer-free, tumor-free........God's mercy and answered prayers.
* Kisses for chubby baby cheeks and lots of baby slobbers !
* Tears. .....for the past, about the past, from the past...rich, salty, stinging tears. Tears of pain, tears of suffering and loss. Tears of relief. Tears of sweet joy. Happy tears. Tears of regret.......Healing tears.
* Necessary endings......Unlock doors to new beginnings. New pages, new chapters.
* Good-bye hugs and I Love yous
* Sunday morning Church. Paises and prayers. Standing on Holy ground. Bare feet. Exodus 3:5
*Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105