Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Guide written by Donna (Ensign) Woods

Oh dear Lord, Please lead and guide
...Especially when I just want to hide.
Guide the passions of my heart
With each new day I start.
May YOU choose my every word
As my heart is touched and stirred.
Direct my daily path....
Allowing me to live and laugh
Guide the work of my hands
To honor all your plans.
To obey without asking "Why?"
Amidst shadows of tears I cry
Open my heart to receive
In all my faith to believe.
Release my grasp....when you take away
Still giving thanks as I pray.
Guide my feet to the perfect place
Where I can see....Your face.

Monday, July 11, 2011

May I? Can I? Will I? by Julie Short

I loved the game “Mother May I’ as a child.  I learned the difference between Can I and May I.  I know because I work in Early Childhood, that I learned many other things while playing the game.  I learned impulse control (to stop and think first before I acted.) I learned the difference between big and little, counting, and social skills. 
In today’s Oswald Chambers devotion (July 9th,) he wrote that believing and serving God is a choice, a decision.  It’s not can I serve the Lord or can I believe, It’s will IWill I accept that I can do nothing good apart from God and that I can do all things through Him who gives me strength?
Philippians 4:13
I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
So when I think or say “I can’t do this or that”, what I am really saying is I won’t allow God to do this or that through me.  Am I willing to step aside and let God work through me?   He Will, if I allow Him.
In the game, “Mother May I” if you ask “Can I?” instead of “May I?” you lose your turn.
“Can I?” is asking, am I able?
“May I?” is asking for permission.
We are asked as Christians “Will I?” 
Will I continue to pick up and carry boxes of discontent, arguing and complaining, whining, anger, judging others, self doubt, worries, toxic guilt, or I should have, boxes and if so how long will I carry them?
Will I choose not to pick them up and choose to do all for the Glory of the Father?