Thursday, June 23, 2011

WHERE OH DEATH written by Donna ( Ensign) Woods

Where, Oh death, is your final threat ?
I fought a good fight....the goal has been met.
So very tired, I grew fragile and weak...
I anxiously waited for the Lord, I did seek.
In calm silence, I closed my eyes...
And saw a multitude of angels fill the skies...
It's time !...It's time !....The Lord was calling my name....
Oh death !!!....What a blessed...awaited gain !!
No more suffering or pain to entwine...
Replaced by peace, not subject to time.
Where, Oh death, is your labored sting ??
In the arms of Christ, I hear angels sing.
In the radiant glow of Heaven's glorious light....
Oh such wondrous reward for my earthly fight !!
He opened wide His arms to lovingly embrace...
As He wiped all tears from my face.
The jaws of death could not hold onto me
But set me free....for eternity.
Where, Oh death, is your fatal bite ??
In the arms of Christ....I  HAVE  WON  THE  FIGHT !!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Poem from Sara

Often times as we reach out to love and encourage others.....
we are the ones that receive the greatest encouragement.
Spring has come with hopes of sun; instead, it just brought rain.
And still the winter doldrums stayed with all my aches and pain.
Then one day in the mail, there was an envelope bright.
Someone who prays and cares for me had decided a note to write.
Their words were welcome with encouragement, showing God's love that day.
And then, an added message---they knew it was my birthday !
The next day, a few more cards appeared in the mail.
Lavendar and pink and yellow and green; spring colors did prevail !
And then the cards did "grow" like seeds from a garden flower.
The blessings were multiplied, showing more of God's love and power.
Oh, what joy they bring me that the Son was shining through,
That God is again blessing me from the card that came from you !
Please keep your blessings growing as seeds you planted here and there
To many others who are in need: It's God's love that you share !
........and once again Sara Benton has multiplied blessings.....
and returned them to us.....
As she dances on streets of gold.....with our Savior's hand to forever hold.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lesson Plans by Susan Shull

Some people are born teachers. A few days ago, many, many of us gathered to pay our last respects to one of those people, Sara Benton.

Sara was one of those individuals whom everyone seemed to know. Friendly and easy to talk to, she was interested in people. Having taught kindergarten for 34 years, she influenced lots of Jasper County children and parents. Perhaps her teaching really began when she retired and shared her battle with illness through her email updates and amazing encounters with those God put in her path.

I’ve been acquainted with her for years and years, but at her memorial service, I discovered that I didn’t really know her. The minister who preached her funeral came to the podium with a stack of Sara’s journals. Her service consisted mainly of his reading her own words to us-words declaring her love and trust in the Lord. What an amazing testimony of His enduring love and care, and of her faith during her struggle with a hateful disease!

Sara’s words convicted me of my judgmental spirit. When am I going to really surrender my sometimes mean-spirited ways and realize in my heart and head that I’m not responsible for other’s actions, and I don’t know what is going on in their lives? I want to love people without judging them. I’m worthy of judging no one.

Sara attended our church and played the keyboard in the praise band, but she was not there every Sunday. I found out at her funeral that she played the piano not only at SACC and Plainfield churches, but at many different churches. Because of this, she was able to influence and be influenced by many different Christians. She was able to use her long battle with cancer to share what God was doing in her life with numerous people. She wasn’t afraid to do that. We saw the proof in a packed church with a diverse group of Christians gathered to pay their respect.

It was obvious that this lady poured out her heart in her journals, and the outpouring was a good one. Our words can demonstrate a heart filled with love or hate, and hers showed her love of the Savior, even when she didn’t understand why she was experiencing the challenges of this life.

I’m sure many were touched by what they heard. I pray those words will lead someone to take the step that will change his/her life forever and accept the free gift of salvation. I am sure that was one of the goals of Miss Benton’s last lesson plan.

Thank you for the example, Sara. We will miss you.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Kneading by Julie Short

I was reading Oswald Chambers My Utmost for His Highest devotion book this morning.  He wrote about being obsessed with God.  It has crossed my mind, since I am very good at obsessing.  I have trouble letting things: distressing thoughts, feelings and worries, go.  I work to pound them like a baker kneads bread.  I add lots of “should haves” and “what if’s.” I pound myself up and down until I am exhausted.
But what if I worked as hard at giving up the worries of this world and focused on my relationship with God?  What if all my thoughts and feelings were focused on loving and kneading God into every fiber of my life?
Deuteronomy 6:5
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.