Saturday, December 31, 2011

"Who Do I Think I Am?!?!" written by Donna (Ensign) Woods

Who do I think I am ?
Just a broken piece of glass
With a jagged, dirty past.
A vessel....useless and broken
Healing words unspoken.
Who do I think I am ?
A vapor, a fading mist
Of only dust, I consist.
A wilted petal tossed in the wind
......Broken....for I have sinned.
Who do I think I am ?
I stand condemned and all alone
As I make my way to God's throne
Rejected, hated I crawl in shame
I hang my head, accept the blame.
My life...unclean, unclean
Hide my shame so it won't be seen.
Who do I think I am ??
I have no right
To stand in God's sight
No right to speak His name
....Not with my sin and shame.
No right to crawl before His throne
...Or expect mercy to be shown.
WHO?? Who do I think I am ??
Christ has spoken
To His child, dirty and broken....
A gentle voice soft and still
Speaks with love, my heart to fill
"You are My child
For whom I suffered....and smiled.
You are Mine....All Mine !
I've loved you since the dawn of time."
I feel His mercy, compassion's touch !
....And He loves ME so very much !!
I am sinner...Forgiven
It's not for this world I'm livin'
I am a work of art !!
With the Spirit of God...Living in my heart !!
Who ? Who do I think I am ??
I am a Princess !! Daughter of the King !!!
It is for Him that I sing !
Who do I think I am ???
....A tiny piece of God's perfect plan....
And you....What about you ?
Are you dirty and broken too ??
Who do you think you are ?
With shame behind each scar.
A closet filled with ghosts of the past
Gaping wounds to forever last...
You too are a child of the King
With a mighty song to sing...
Who ? Who do you think you are ??

Autumn Memories by Theresa Zuber

Memories of childhood drift past like falling leaves
Autumn cool – jacket weather – corn stalks stacked in sheaves
Mountains of brown leaves piled up to the sky
Perfect for running – jumping – or tossing way up high
Hayrides on starry nights filled with lots of laughter and talk
Shoes crunching noisily on a long slow walk
Picking up nuts that have fallen from the trees
Checking winter weather cutting persimmon seeds
Sitting round a campfire roasting “dogs” and s’mores
Listening to the firewood pop, crackle and roar
Apple cider, football games and pumpkins all around
Fall is filled with blessings – every sight and every sound

Burst into Song by Theresa Zuber

Do you enjoy watching the Disney movies where they burst into song as they express their emotions? I know they are kinda corny, but I LOVE them! There is just something endearing to me as these characters pour their feelings and thoughts – perhaps longings - into music and share them with the world. Or maybe they sing a plea to the heavens or just put a voice to their thoughts to comfort themselves.

Before you discount the merits of such things – let’s do a little review! 

After crossing the Red Sea on dry ground:  Ex 15:1 “Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord: ‘I will sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted.  Both horse and driver he has hurled into the sea.”

After the foundation of the temple in Jerusalem was laid: Ezra 3:11 “With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the Lord:  ‘He is good; his love toward Israel endures forever.’ And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid.”

The entire book of Song of Solomon is a love song.  Here is one example:  Song of Sol 1:15 “How beautiful you are, my darling!  Oh, how beautiful!  Your eyes are doves.”

The next passage is Mary rejoicing as she shares with her cousin Elizabeth the news of her pregnancy.  Although the passage reads Mary “said” the heading is “Mary’s song”.  Luke 1:46-49 “And Mary said: ‘My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Might One has done great things for me – holy is his name.’ “

Perhaps if we are living biblical lives we should burst into song a little more often!  Do not hesitate to use the gift of music to express your love, your gratitude, your longings and fear to the Almighty God – Creator of music and to others to share and encourage them!  See you Sunday!

A Child's Fear written by Donna (Ensign) Woods

written by Donna (Ensign) Woods
I had a very vivid imagination as a child...
During the day, I laughed and played and smiled.
But when bedtime came in the dark of night
My heart and mind trembled in fright.
I imagined witches and bats lurking behind attic door
....And under my bed awaited more.
I ran and jumped into bed
Before they could grab me, I covered my head.
Evil little monsters with claws and fangs.
Blood thirsty creatures awaited in gangs !!
In the dark upstairs and all alone
The wind became a demon's moan.
The brush of branches from a tree
Became demonic beast, taunting me.
I often lay facing my dresser mirror
...So I could see my entire room....filled with fear !
In my closet, lived a ghost
I think I feared it the very most!
I imagined it floating around my bed
My heart consumed with dread.
Horrific and long was sleepless night
Heart pounding in my ears of fright.
On fearfull nights while laying in bed....
A single prayer played in my head..
I whispered it over and over till I fell asleep
Because some how I knew it would protect and keep.
Even as a child, the Lord's Prayer was power
To comfort and protect in my fear filled hour.
Though wretched demons surrounded me
...Threatening to torture and devour me...
God sent angels to guard over me....
From chains of fear to set me free.
I knew demons were close, but could not touch
Because Father God loves me much !!!
And now....I'v learned...The Bible says the demons are real !!
Their sulfer breath I often sense and feel
They still taunt and threaten to destroy
Laboring to steal my joy....
But I peacefully sleep all night long.
God replaced childhood fear with His song....
As angels stand guard around my bed
The Lord's promise plays in my head
Reminding me...there's nothing to fear....
For He Himself....stands very near.

What am I Thankful for This Year? by Joyce Schafer

This year I want to give God thanks for the Quiet Times in my life. My world has too much noise in it. At work, I listen to computers humming, doors opening, coffeemakers dripping, cars honking, fax machines beeping, radios playing, phones ringing, people talking and trains whistling....
Then I come home to a washer running, dryer tumbling, oven timer ringing, dishwasher washing, microwave dinging and telephone singing. Notice I said nothing about radio or T.V.----there are some things I can control.
I can also choose to take breaks in my noisy day to spend quiet time with the morning at my kitchen table with my Bible, in the middle of my day at the park and in the evenings in my comfy chair journaling about my day. I spend this time being thankful for the blessings and asking forgiveness for the things I did wrong. I also pray for others and for wisdom ( I need a lot of that ) In dealing with the challenges in my life. Most importantly I give it all to God. Sometimes I take it back but He knows that I am a work in progress so allows me to give it to Him again and again.
He truly does lead me to quiet places and restores my soul and for this I am truly thankful.

God Knows by Vaneta Andrews

God knows what we need ...

Roses from a loving Dad,
BYOC (Bring Your Own Chocolate) party with friends,
Seeing the "Harvest" after much prayer,
Mission Work,
Random flowers at a graveside,
Frequent chats with a new friend,
Bonding of a small group,
Preacher being close by when needed the most,
Clean house & car,
Massage, hairdo & back adjustment,
Prayer Shawl crocheted and prayed over by prayer warriors,
Visits and prayers from very special friends,
Anonymous financial support when times were tough,
Parents moving close by,
AND ...

Some of these things happened just a couple of weeks ago. Some a few years in the making. The most important one - A SAVIOR - over 2,000 years ago.

God knows what we need AND He knows when we need it. Matthew 6:8 "Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him."

Praise God He knows what we need, when we need it, and He is willing to give it to us.  Never stop looking to God for what you need and never stop seeing what He has given, is giving and will continue to give you.  There are many promises scattered throughout the Word of God including Luke 11:9-10 "9 “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." (see Luke 11:5-13)

Mary Mary written by Donna (Ensign) Woods

written by Donna (Ensign) Woods
Mary, Mary
Who is this Child you carry ?
The Baby that you hold...
The Word of God foretold.
As you wrapped Him with loving care
In the stench of stable air....
No pillow for His head
As you placed Him in a manger bed....
Did you hear angelic host..
When you needed strength the most ??
Mary, Mary,
Who is this Child you carry ?
When the shepherds came that night
To gaze upon miracle's sight
What went through your mind?
Did you know salvation was now defined ??
Who is He ??
Who shepherds hurried to see ?
Did you know He'd bear the cross ....for humanity ??
Your precious first born Son
.....Did you feel blessed to be the chosen one ?
This Child who nestled in your arm
The one you'd shield from harm...
Did you know He actually came to save you....
...........And all of us too ???
Mary, Mary
Who is this Child you carry ?
Did you see His Eastern Star
That guided Wise Men from afar ?
Who is this Child you hold
Receiving incense , myrrh.....and gold?
As the Magi worshiped your baby boy
...Was your heart filled with anxious joy ?
Did you ever question or doubt
Or in fear and anger cry out ???
King Herod feared Him and sought to destroy
......Your precious baby boy.
What did you think when Joseph said "we must go"
In the back of your heart....did you somehow know.....
Did you understand the prophesy ?
God's plan for eternity.....
As you watched your child run and play......
Did you know what He would do one day ??
Mary, Mary
Did you know our cross....He would carry ?
What was it like to raise God's Holy Son?
Who held who.....when day was done ??

Christmas-the Gift of Love by Joyce Schafer

    God gave us the ultimate gift of love when he gave us his son to live and die for us.
    This Christmas season, I have seen the true meaning of Christmas-LOVE- in our community.  I have seen the outpouring of LOVE in the donations to Toys for Tots, Homefront, World Vision, and Food Pantries.  I have witnessed people coming together to make Christmas brighter for nursery home residents, single mothers, cancer patients and their families.  I think God is truly working in the hearts of the people I know.  It seems like anytime a need is mentioned, the response is an overwhelming “What can we do to help?”  Then most importantly these words are put into action.
    The Christmas season is bringing  out the best in us  and my hope is that this feeling of giving, compassion and love follows through in 2012.  What a wonderful year it will be if we LOVE each other the way God wants us to do.  MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving written by Donna (Ensign) Woods

written by Donna (Ensign) Woods
Reasons to give thanks.....every day.
1000 gifts along the way
Thankful for blessings...yours and mine
Sprinkled through sands of time.
Blessings great and small
Thanking God for them all....
Thankful for family and friend
Sunshine and rain the Heavens send.
The seasons of each year
...For laughter....and even the tear.
A home for safe and restful sleep
Knowing the Lord shall guard and keep.
Homes for comfort and pleasure
Creating memories for hearts to treasure.
Thankful for turkey and country hams
Pumpkin pie ....and candied yams....
Family, food and fun...
Kissed by falls gentle sun.
Along river's edges we meander
Drinking in Autumn splendor.
So much beauty all around....
Wrapped in aroma, sight and sound.
Thanking God for His love so pure
And the many trials He helps us endure.
Whether life is painful....or happy and sweet
It's time to give thanks at the Lord's feet.
Living in the land of "milk and honey"
....Blessings are not about wealth and money.....
It's about joy only the heart can know
And feeling loved wherever we go.
Knowing we are never alone
God hears each prayerful moan
Remember.......His Son suffered and died
for you and me.
We have much to be thankful for
                                            .......don't you agree ???

On My Way to 1000 Gifts by Donna Ensign Woods

We were recently challenged to give thanks for the life we already have.....
by Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts
to unwrap the gifts God has already given to us. Whether we are having an amazing day or whether we are in a dark, lonely valley of dispair and heartache.... God gives us gifts in every situation.In giving thanks for the life we already have.......we find the life we always wanted. Accepting what God gives with a thankful heart
The challenge was to list 1000 gifts......this is a small sampling from our lists.
*"Give thanks in all circumstances for that is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" 1 Thessalonians5:18
* God, Jesus, His grace, His mercy, His love, His forgiveness, Salvation and Eternal life.
* I'm no longer lost, but found. My sins have been forgiven and I've been set free ! Thank you Jesus
* Gently holding the tiny cup of "His Blood" between my finger tips....watching my own pulse beat...
tiny ripples in "His Blood" heart beat....His sin....His Salvation..
my temperal...His failure...His punishment.....His Sacrifice....
* Thankful for my husband and sons and the joys and opportunities each day with them brings.
* God's world is beautiful. Thankyou, Heavenly Father, for the natural wonders you surround us with. * Earth, sun, moon, mountains, water, trees, flowers, wind, air, animals, plants, pets .....
* Wonderful husband, good friends, sons and daughters,
* True friends......who lift you up....when your heart's wings forget how to fly. (love that quote)
* Broken pieces......Broken glass, Torn cloth....Shattered dreams, broken hearts...and God's ability to make something beautiful out of all those broken pieces (If we are willing to give them all to Him)
* God Moments. Opportunities to encourage a fellow traveler along the dusty roads of life.
* Home made rag from Merle Kinder......sweet memories.....
*I'm so grateful for the good health my family and I enjoy.
* A baby's laugh is the sweetest sound.....You can't help but smile when hearing it.
* Thankyou Heavenly Father, for loving me. * .....even though I don't deserve it.
* The joy and peace that blankets a God-loving Christian family...when life isn't fair......
* The words of poetry God gives my pen.
* His promises, His plan, His timing, His unfailing love.
* Music to my soul....rhythm of the rain...sounds of birds at sunrise....old serenade....distant rolls of thunder....hypnotic waves.....the symphony of nature
* The memories of yesterday, the gift of today, the hope of tomorrow......
* I'm thankful for my job and the good people I get to work with every day. I am so blessed !
* My old tattered large print Bible, notes scribbled, highlighted verses, wrinkled and tear stained.
* The American flag and everything it stands for....and everyone who is willing to "stand" for it.
* Peace, solitude, quiet time to write, to think, to listen
* Corn on the cob....butter dripping......... red, ripe, juicy watermelon.....and chocolate !!!!!
* The ability to work, walk, talk, see and hear......huge gifts I often take for granted
*Missionaries......who go where no one else will....full of compassion, energy and a message to share.
* Maddy.....cancer-free, tumor-free........God's mercy and answered prayers.
* Kisses for chubby baby cheeks and lots of baby slobbers !
* Tears. .....for the past, about the past, from the, salty, stinging tears. Tears of pain, tears of suffering and loss. Tears of relief. Tears of sweet joy. Happy tears. Tears of regret.......Healing tears.
* Necessary endings......Unlock doors to new beginnings. New pages, new chapters.
* Good-bye hugs and I Love yous
* Sunday morning Church. Paises and prayers. Standing on Holy ground. Bare feet. Exodus 3:5
*Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105

This is just a small sample of our 1000 gifts. We pray this will encourage you to "unwrap" your gifts every day, and begin your own list of gifts.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Circle written by Donna (Ensign) Woods

Standing, ready to fight
Teeth clenched. Jaws tight.
While the accused whimpers in fear,
Knowing pain and death is very near.
The circle closes in.....
Upon the judged one lost in sin.
Rocks ready----weapons of death,
To torture till the final breath.
Hearts pounding.
Accusations resounding....
Condemned by man and here to die.
Tears of the lost, beg and cry.
The accusers circling, ready and waiting...
Blood thirsty rocks hesitating....
Circling like animals around the kill
Thirsting for blood to spill.
Sweat glistening in anticipation
Tears pouring in desperation.
Feet stirring clouds of dust
Hearts filled with disgust.
The accused curled on the ground
Desperate pleading with every sound....
Where are you, in this circle of death ??
Holding the rock ?...Or taking your final breath ??
Where are you ?
What are you about to do?
Hurl rocks with a blood thirsty cry?
....Or are you the one about to die ?
What have we all become ??
To Satan's lie have we succumb ??
Drop your rocks and walk away !!
Fall to your knees and pray.
If you're on the ground.....stand !
This is not what God planned.
Get up, and sin no more.
Walk through tomorrow's door.
God's people don't belong in the circle !!
....Not casting rock and stone
Or cowering all alone.........

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Rock Solid and Steady by Donna (Ensign) Woods

Will you be ready?
Rock solid and steady....
When we hear the voice proclaim
...will you rejoice ? Or cower in shame ?
Trumpet call of God .....pulsating the soul of man
It's then too late to make a plan.
When Believers rise from their earthly grave
To join Christ and those He died to save.
Their earthly bodies decay
They eagerly wait ...for the Lord's Day
Will I be ready?
Rock solid and steady...
When Christ returns for all to see
...Will He smile...when He looks at me ???
With the Archangel's loud command
Will I have the strength to stand ??
Glorious excitement filling the air
Will I be ready to join Him there?
All eyes will be on Him
Whether we are saved...or lost in sin...
What will He see ???
When He looks at you and me?
Sinner. Forgiven. All dressed in white.
Or will He look away from the disgusting sight ??
Will you be ready??
Rock solid and steady....
Believers raised who have fallen asleep
As Christ stood guard to protect and keep
The alive in Christ. Forgiven and free
A glorious day for believers to see
A family reunion in the sky
Never again a tear to cry.
Will you be ready?
Rock solid and steady...
When He comes today....
Will He lift you up ...........Or send you away....??

Monday, August 15, 2011

Trust written by Donna (Ensign) Woods

Recently, Madison, my 4 year old granddaughter, went shopping with me.
It was a miserably hot day, like we have had so many of this summer.
Seeking as much mercy from the heat as possible,
I parked the van at the far end of the parking lot,
under a tiny little shade tree.
As we exited the cool comfort of the store,
we stepped out of the comfort zone into the blazing furnace-like heat.
Maddy immediately slipped her tiny little hand into mine.
She boldly announced that she was walking all the way to the van with her eyes closed!
I glanced down, and sure enough, her eyes wer squeezed tightly shut,
pony tail bouncing with every step,
face turned up toward the sky
with a beaming smile on her precious little face.
She walked confidently, with big steps,
keeping stride right along side of me....
absolutely no hesitation, no total trust.
I said,"Oh Maddy do you trust ME to lead you safely ??"
"Do you trust ME to protect you from moving cars?...
and to prevent you from running into parked cars?"
"Do you trust ME to catch you if you stumble and start to fall????"
She smiled even bigger, turning her head towards me,
eyes still tightly closed and said,"YEP!!!"
My heart flooded with an emotion that no words can describe !!!
....For her to trust my love so completely, without doubts...
without fears...without hesitation...
To boldly and confidently take one step after another....
without "seeing" where she was stepping...
Not knowing what dangers or obstacles may block her way
or threaten her from the left or right....
My heart danced a joy only a mother or grandmother can know....
....And somewhere deep in my soul, I heard my Father God whisper....
"Take MY hand and trust ME as fearlessly as Maddy trusts you..."
My heart skipped a beat, as I recognized the voice of All Creation...
and I realized, once again, God was using a little child to teach me.
I was not leading Maddy....SHE was leading me !!!!
So many treasured lessons we learn from a child !!
I guess that is why God reveals His secrets to little children....
Why He wants us to come to Him as little children....
Why a little child will lead them...lead us...lead me.
Because only a child can trust with all their heart....
The harder I try to teach my grandchildren about the love of Christ....
the more THEY teach ME about the love of Christ....
".....Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these....
I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom
of God like a little child will never enter it."
Mark 10:14 & 15

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

More Than Just Words..... by Vaneta Andrews

“God, sometimes you give me words that I never dreamed I would have.  You give me a way of saying things, a way of putting my/your thoughts together that just amaze me.”

That was a conversation I had with God today.  His reply … “it’s about more than just words!  It’s about the heart!  When your heart is in tune with mine nothing is impossible.”

Matthew 19:26  Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

So why do we let our hearts get hard?  I guess because we gradually start letting the world creep in.  We gradually stop listening to Christian music, stop reading the Word, stop fellowshipping with other Christians, stop going to church, stop praying and yet we wonder where is God?!  Did you notice I said WE gradually stop … I didn’t say anything about God going anywhere.  He was, He is, He always will be right there knocking on our heart’s door wondering why we won’t open it and let Him back in!

Revelation 3:20  “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”

So the next time you wonder where God is or why He left you to handle a tough situation alone remember … you are not alone and God is not the one who left.  Stop to listen to the knocking at your heart, open the door and receive the fullness of God’s blessings!

Lord, Thank you for never leaving us, never forsaking us and never giving up on us!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Guide written by Donna (Ensign) Woods

Oh dear Lord, Please lead and guide
...Especially when I just want to hide.
Guide the passions of my heart
With each new day I start.
May YOU choose my every word
As my heart is touched and stirred.
Direct my daily path....
Allowing me to live and laugh
Guide the work of my hands
To honor all your plans.
To obey without asking "Why?"
Amidst shadows of tears I cry
Open my heart to receive
In all my faith to believe.
Release my grasp....when you take away
Still giving thanks as I pray.
Guide my feet to the perfect place
Where I can see....Your face.

Monday, July 11, 2011

May I? Can I? Will I? by Julie Short

I loved the game “Mother May I’ as a child.  I learned the difference between Can I and May I.  I know because I work in Early Childhood, that I learned many other things while playing the game.  I learned impulse control (to stop and think first before I acted.) I learned the difference between big and little, counting, and social skills. 
In today’s Oswald Chambers devotion (July 9th,) he wrote that believing and serving God is a choice, a decision.  It’s not can I serve the Lord or can I believe, It’s will IWill I accept that I can do nothing good apart from God and that I can do all things through Him who gives me strength?
Philippians 4:13
I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
So when I think or say “I can’t do this or that”, what I am really saying is I won’t allow God to do this or that through me.  Am I willing to step aside and let God work through me?   He Will, if I allow Him.
In the game, “Mother May I” if you ask “Can I?” instead of “May I?” you lose your turn.
“Can I?” is asking, am I able?
“May I?” is asking for permission.
We are asked as Christians “Will I?” 
Will I continue to pick up and carry boxes of discontent, arguing and complaining, whining, anger, judging others, self doubt, worries, toxic guilt, or I should have, boxes and if so how long will I carry them?
Will I choose not to pick them up and choose to do all for the Glory of the Father?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

WHERE OH DEATH written by Donna ( Ensign) Woods

Where, Oh death, is your final threat ?
I fought a good fight....the goal has been met.
So very tired, I grew fragile and weak...
I anxiously waited for the Lord, I did seek.
In calm silence, I closed my eyes...
And saw a multitude of angels fill the skies...
It's time !...It's time !....The Lord was calling my name....
Oh death !!!....What a blessed...awaited gain !!
No more suffering or pain to entwine...
Replaced by peace, not subject to time.
Where, Oh death, is your labored sting ??
In the arms of Christ, I hear angels sing.
In the radiant glow of Heaven's glorious light....
Oh such wondrous reward for my earthly fight !!
He opened wide His arms to lovingly embrace...
As He wiped all tears from my face.
The jaws of death could not hold onto me
But set me free....for eternity.
Where, Oh death, is your fatal bite ??
In the arms of Christ....I  HAVE  WON  THE  FIGHT !!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Poem from Sara

Often times as we reach out to love and encourage others.....
we are the ones that receive the greatest encouragement.
Spring has come with hopes of sun; instead, it just brought rain.
And still the winter doldrums stayed with all my aches and pain.
Then one day in the mail, there was an envelope bright.
Someone who prays and cares for me had decided a note to write.
Their words were welcome with encouragement, showing God's love that day.
And then, an added message---they knew it was my birthday !
The next day, a few more cards appeared in the mail.
Lavendar and pink and yellow and green; spring colors did prevail !
And then the cards did "grow" like seeds from a garden flower.
The blessings were multiplied, showing more of God's love and power.
Oh, what joy they bring me that the Son was shining through,
That God is again blessing me from the card that came from you !
Please keep your blessings growing as seeds you planted here and there
To many others who are in need: It's God's love that you share !
........and once again Sara Benton has multiplied blessings.....
and returned them to us.....
As she dances on streets of gold.....with our Savior's hand to forever hold.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lesson Plans by Susan Shull

Some people are born teachers. A few days ago, many, many of us gathered to pay our last respects to one of those people, Sara Benton.

Sara was one of those individuals whom everyone seemed to know. Friendly and easy to talk to, she was interested in people. Having taught kindergarten for 34 years, she influenced lots of Jasper County children and parents. Perhaps her teaching really began when she retired and shared her battle with illness through her email updates and amazing encounters with those God put in her path.

I’ve been acquainted with her for years and years, but at her memorial service, I discovered that I didn’t really know her. The minister who preached her funeral came to the podium with a stack of Sara’s journals. Her service consisted mainly of his reading her own words to us-words declaring her love and trust in the Lord. What an amazing testimony of His enduring love and care, and of her faith during her struggle with a hateful disease!

Sara’s words convicted me of my judgmental spirit. When am I going to really surrender my sometimes mean-spirited ways and realize in my heart and head that I’m not responsible for other’s actions, and I don’t know what is going on in their lives? I want to love people without judging them. I’m worthy of judging no one.

Sara attended our church and played the keyboard in the praise band, but she was not there every Sunday. I found out at her funeral that she played the piano not only at SACC and Plainfield churches, but at many different churches. Because of this, she was able to influence and be influenced by many different Christians. She was able to use her long battle with cancer to share what God was doing in her life with numerous people. She wasn’t afraid to do that. We saw the proof in a packed church with a diverse group of Christians gathered to pay their respect.

It was obvious that this lady poured out her heart in her journals, and the outpouring was a good one. Our words can demonstrate a heart filled with love or hate, and hers showed her love of the Savior, even when she didn’t understand why she was experiencing the challenges of this life.

I’m sure many were touched by what they heard. I pray those words will lead someone to take the step that will change his/her life forever and accept the free gift of salvation. I am sure that was one of the goals of Miss Benton’s last lesson plan.

Thank you for the example, Sara. We will miss you.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Kneading by Julie Short

I was reading Oswald Chambers My Utmost for His Highest devotion book this morning.  He wrote about being obsessed with God.  It has crossed my mind, since I am very good at obsessing.  I have trouble letting things: distressing thoughts, feelings and worries, go.  I work to pound them like a baker kneads bread.  I add lots of “should haves” and “what if’s.” I pound myself up and down until I am exhausted.
But what if I worked as hard at giving up the worries of this world and focused on my relationship with God?  What if all my thoughts and feelings were focused on loving and kneading God into every fiber of my life?
Deuteronomy 6:5
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Fog by Donna Ensign Woods

In the midst of fog---so eerie and dense
I desperately cling to the fence.
Afraid to risk letting go
Stepping into a future, I do not know.
Imagination plays endless trick....
Mind tortured by fog so thick.
Clutching the fence....familiar and sure
Fearful of dangers I might endure.
Beyond the fog, I hear a voice call
"Trust Me, I won't let you fall"
Frantic, I search the fog for Him
Through my eyes cloudy and dim.
I struggle desperately to see
From where the voice calls to me.
Uncertain if I can stand
.....Should I reach out to take His hand ?
Is the danger lurking where I cannot see ?
...Or is it really closing in on me ??
In reality is my fence a dangerous ledge ?
Am I slipping from a jagged edge ?
...Or am I consumed in a cavern deep
Beneath mountains narrow and steep....
Do I stay?....Or do I go ??
.....Safety of this fence is all I know
The fog so painfully dense...I cannot see !!!
But I feel the Lord is nudging me.
Do I let go and take His hand....
Forever trusting what he has planned ?
He promised I have nothing to fear
....How I wish the fog would lift and clear.
It grows thicker the longer I wait
Why Oh I hesitate ??
To a worthless fence I cling
Instead of trusting my Savior King !
Cowering in the fog....clinging to the fence
....It simply makes no sense !
The moment I trust and let go....
Glorious blessings I will know
Each day......a step of faith
Do I cling to the fence ?
                 ....or leave this place ?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Disney World and Heaven by Joyce Schafer

I recently had the privilege of experiencing Disney World through the eyes of a child-not just any child but two of my granddaughters.  I saw the way their eyes sparkled when seeing the beauty of the light parade and the smiles that life- size Mickey and Minnie brought to their faces.    It made me think that this is how I will feel when I first see heaven.    Instead of cobbled streets  there will be streets paved with gold and instead of pretend characters and electric lights, we will get to see the real thing in God and Jesus and the Light that will be shining will take our breath away.  It will truly be a magical time.  Disney World might be advertised as the happiest place on earth but I guarantee you that compared to Heaven it will be a pale comparison.

Jesus reprimanded his disciples when they tried to turn the children away because he knew that little children see things so much clearer than adults.  Adults tend to spend their time doing what is expected of them while a small child actually experiences life more honestly.  If they are hungry they eat, if they are sad they cry, if they are happy they radiate joy,  and they are so capable of giving unconditional love.  I am sure this is why Jesus said we need to become like a little child in order to enter the gates of heaven.   Just as a little child is totally dependent on their mothers and fathers for everything, we need to be totally dependent on our heavenly father to satisfy all of our needs.  As adults it is so hard to give up control but it is so necessary to achieve Peace and to realize our ultimate goal-HEAVEN.

Mark 10:15  I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.